Mark Meadows

Image of Mark Meadows
Stoking fears of a potential shutdown is a strong motivational tool to get members on board with legislation that they don't want to support. Both parties are guilty of this.
- Mark Meadows
Collection: Motivational
Image of Mark Meadows
It's all about representing the forgotten men and women, to make sure that they have a voice and members of the Freedom Caucus take that very seriously.
- Mark Meadows
Collection: Freedom
Image of Mark Meadows
As the list of abuses by federal agencies grows, Americans are rapidly losing trust in government.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
It's the oldest trick in Washington - when presented with a policy solution you don't like, characterize it as the bogeyman.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Congress is the world's oldest deliberative body in the world's oldest democracy. The result of that democracy, and the Constitution on which it rests, are America's laws.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The IRS, now known for abusing its power by targeting groups for their political beliefs, is a prime example of an overgrown federal agency that doles out enormous bonuses to senior employees.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Christianity is under attack globally, and particularly in the Middle East and North Africa, where Christian populations are ceasing to exist at astonishing rates due to widespread persecution by Islamists.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The U.S. is supposed to be a beacon of hope to the world - the shining city on a hill where freedom is available to all and individual liberties are protected.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Gun control is not the answer. The best and most effective path forward, I believe, is one that safeguards our schools from becoming 'soft targets.'
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
A true relief effort for hurricane victims is not a partisan issue. However, in Washington we are notorious for making our jobs far more difficult than they need to be.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Many industries in my home state of North Carolina will greatly benefit from the USMCA.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
I've found that any time you go against the people's voice you're going up against a tsunami that will have unbelievable power and implications.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Should the U.S. grant preferential treatment on trade to an egregious human rights violator that allows human traffickers to operate unencumbered within its borders? The obvious answer would seem to be 'No.'
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Foreign workers typically migrate to Malaysia willingly, looking for greater opportunities, but often fall into forced labor or debt bondage.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Modern day slavery is the great tragedy of our time and the U.S. cannot turn a blind eye to it on our soil or another nation's.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The IRS isn't the only agency using taxpayer dollars for big bonuses.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
As a legislator, I was elected to make the tough decisions and produce solutions to the problems facing our country.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The Protect America's Schools Act is not the only answer, but it is a positive step forward in preventing tragedies.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Keeping our children safe is not only an area where both political parties can find common ground, but as lawmakers, it is our moral obligation.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Congress must hold those responsible for unfairly targeting organizations based on their ideological views accountable.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, hundreds of thousands have been left homeless, displaced, and broken.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Putting aid for Harvey victims in limbo because of our own inability to handle pressing deadlines in a timely manner is not only inappropriate, but it sends the wrong message to millions of Americans in Texas and millions more who put us in Washington to do a job. We owe them better.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Speaking nothing of how we often fall short in keeping our promises, we frequently play an unnecessary game of politics with key issues - using must-pass legislation such as disaster relief as a vehicle to sweeten unrelated, contentious bills that may not otherwise pass as stand-alone measures.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Unfortunately, too often the media doesn't ask the simple question: Why did elected leaders wait until the 11th hour to address government funding we've known would expire for months, if not years?
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Congressional Republicans have come to understand that their last, best hope of blocking bad policy from the White House is through spending bills.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Spying on the prime minister of Israel and Congress has nothing to do with national security - only politics.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
If National Security Agency (NSA) heads fundamentally lack an understanding of what constitutes constitutionally protected communications, or worse, chose to disregard those directives, then it's time for the appropriate heads of these agencies to resign.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Once the collection of conversations between the Israeli government and members of Congress occurred, had it been inadvertent, then they would have been destroyed instead of redacted for further use. Had they been inadvertent, then they would not have been forwarded to the White House for review in their redacted form.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
We have a moral obligation to assist those fleeing religious persecution and to no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of our Christian brothers abroad.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
As a nation, we must address the persecution of all religious minorities.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Regrettably, the Obama administration has chosen to take a lackadaisical approach to religious freedom, and allowed IRFA to fade into the background.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
For too long Hezbollah has been able to conduct its illegal operations unhindered by the threat of a direct response from the United States.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Hezbollah is notorious for using charities and front organizations to hide its funding sources.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Hezbollah poses a great threat to the world - and particularly to our great ally, Israel.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
By cutting off Hezbollah's lifelines to international financing, we can break its cycle of violence around the world.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The American people must be assured that no federal agency can trample their First Amendment rights.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
America's founders knew the importance of allowing the people to speak critically about government actions.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Every year it's a decision whether you're going to run again.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
For years, President Obama has chastised Republicans, used immigrants as props for political purposes, and time and again deflected responsibility from his own party's failure to act on immigration reform.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Simply put, President Obama's immigration strategy is all about politics and getting credit rather than about families and people.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Granting amnesty to those who willfully broke the law makes a mockery of our legal system and encourages even more lawlessness - potentially more severe crimes than entering the U.S. illegally.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
DACA led to a mass influx of illegal immigrant children crossing the Mexican border into the U.S. who came believing they would likely be able to stay.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The Palestinians have yet to demonstrate a commitment to the rule of law.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
The conflict in the Middle East is complex, multi-faceted, and unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Most Americans can't begin to understand what day-to-day life is like for millions of Israeli citizens. We can't relate to hearing sirens go off - notifying us that we have 15 seconds to a minute to seek shelter from a potential rocket attack.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Two of the 9/11 hijackers exploited the security vulnerabilities in the United States' visa program and were able to carry out their attacks.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Foreign travelers overstaying their visas to remain in the U.S. illegally represents one of the gravest national security threats to the homeland.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Exit checks are absolutely critical to monitor if those who come into the U.S. on visas actually do in fact leave the country when their visa is up.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
Fifteen years after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States government still has little idea how many foreign travelers overstay their visas annually and remain in the U.S.
- Mark Meadows
Image of Mark Meadows
At minimum, we must recognize that there are legitimate, unanswered questions about whether the Obama Justice Department involved themselves in a political project targeting then-candidate Donald Trump - a suggestion that has far more evidence behind it than the directionless investigation into Trump/Russian collusion.
- Mark Meadows