Mark Hart

Image of Mark Hart
Gray and overcast from my earthly perspective, but it's sunny above these storm clouds. Grace lets us see life from God's point of view.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Clouds
Image of Mark Hart
Laziness in prayer is like handing the devil a key to your house.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Prayer
Image of Mark Hart
Life's too short not to tell the people you love how you feel. Say it... and say it often. Oh, and start with God.
- Mark Hart
Collection: People
Image of Mark Hart
It's one of the greatest comforts of working in ministry: the unspoken certitude that your spouse did not marry you for your money.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Comfort
Image of Mark Hart
Pentecost is a celebration of God... a celebration of God's power... a celebration of God's desire to empower us and to dwell within us.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Empowering
Image of Mark Hart
Rules for today: 1) Pray 2) Laugh 3) Repeat. The only reason to take this life too seriously is if it's your only one.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Laughing
Image of Mark Hart
If true love were only about feelings, Jesus would have been hugged to death for our redemption. Thank God for His cross this and every day.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Hart
It is in our darkest cultures that the greatest saints rise, stand, and lead.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Saint
Image of Mark Hart
Sunday doesn't just prepare us for the week ahead - it prepares us for eternity.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Sunday
Image of Mark Hart
It is so beautifully ironic that St. Francis - the great lover of animals - is now a pigeon's target in countless yards.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Animal
Image of Mark Hart
As I get older I've come to realize that the best way to "get even" with someone is to forgive - and then forget.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Forgiving
Image of Mark Hart
When a majority of my prayers are for others to change, I've gotten off track. Lord, change this sinner's heart.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Prayer
Image of Mark Hart
We must not become so preoccupied looking for "major" miracles that we miss all the daily ones.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Miracle
Image of Mark Hart
"Love one another": No command is simpler; no command more difficult.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Love One Another
Image of Mark Hart
Life was a lot more adventurous before caller I.D.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Adventurous
Image of Mark Hart
When it's hardest to pray are usually the times I need to pray the hardest. Not sure if that's irony or common sense.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Common Sense
Image of Mark Hart
If your sin feels "too big," your vision of God is too small.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Vision
Image of Mark Hart
A parent asked me today, "How do you get your children to pray in church?" My response? "Pray at home."
- Mark Hart
Collection: Children
Image of Mark Hart
Saints didn't set out to have everyone follow them. Saints set out to follow Jesus, and others followed them in their pursuit of Him.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Hart
Married couples, may we never forget that when attacks come the grace of the sacrament is eternally stronger than we are.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Couple
Image of Mark Hart
A homeless man standing at the off-ramp: the question in these moments isn't whether Jesus is in Him, but in me.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Hart
Never complain about growing old... Some never have the privilege.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Complaining
Image of Mark Hart
Friday and Saturday nights have a funny way of revealing what we really believe on Sunday mornings.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Friday
Image of Mark Hart
Instead of loving the Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we tend to love a different trinity: Me, myself, and I.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Father
Image of Mark Hart
If you want to live as a Christian, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Hart
What did all the saints have in common? They feared sin more than even physical death.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Saint
Image of Mark Hart
If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, an even greater miracle happened: 12 relatively uneducated guys changed the world and were martyred to protect a lie.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Hart
Oh, how thunderous the applause must be in Heaven, all those times we are mocked on earth for the sake of His name.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Names
Image of Mark Hart
A rib... loaves and fish... some spit... God can do a lot with a little.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Ribs
Image of Mark Hart
It's been a few days since I've seen my kids. My hearts racing; I can't wait to hold them. This is just a glimpse into God's heart at Mass.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Heart
Image of Mark Hart
The holidays often bring challenging conversations and situations. Sometimes holiness demands that we speak, other times it invites us to be silent. In all circumstances, though, we are called to love.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Holiday
Image of Mark Hart
Some people say, "If you trust in God's unconditional love, why do you need to pray?" A better ending is "why wouldn't you want to?"
- Mark Hart
Collection: Unconditional Love
Image of Mark Hart
Maybe if we said that sin causes cancer, people would take it more seriously.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Cancer
Image of Mark Hart
Preaching Christ's truth always bears fruit. Of course, some people will probably end up wanting to throw that fruit at you.
- Mark Hart
Collection: People
Image of Mark Hart
Many of us want to know why we don't "hear" God when we pray. Few of us shut up long enough to really listen.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Long
Image of Mark Hart
In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus offers more than God's personal email or private cell number - He offers us a heart transplant.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Hart
Fatherhood: How God blesses you out of your selfishness and floods your soul with love, all while reminding you how little you know.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Soul
Image of Mark Hart
A broken heart is merely an empty manger. Invite the Virgin and the carpenter to pray beside you. Invite the Savior to dwell there.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Heart
Image of Mark Hart
Our Sabbath practices reveal which Trinity we truly worship: Father, Son, and Spirit... or me, myself, and I.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Father
Image of Mark Hart
There are 2 main things I've learned about following the Holy Spirit: It will never be easy. It will never be boring.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mark Hart
Much of Satan's time is spent trying to make you remember what God has already forgotten. Reconcile, rejoice, and look forward.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Trying
Image of Mark Hart
Faith does not contradict reason. Faith exceeds reason.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Doe
Image of Mark Hart
God loves us too much to pretend our sin isn't there. Sin is a cancer and Christ the surgeon. True prayer signs the consent form.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Prayer
Image of Mark Hart
It's pretty sad that when people see a guy buying flowers, they assume he's in trouble.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Flower
Image of Mark Hart
As a father of young girls, I want to publicly thank all women who dress and carry themselves like ladies. Your example is a gift.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Girl
Image of Mark Hart
The following is a phrase we don't hear enough but that I sincerely mean (and our culture needs to hear more often): I love being married.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Hart
Honestly, I don't think Victoria has too many Secrets left... might be time to prayerfully consider a name change.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mark Hart
Courage doesn't mean we're not afraid. Courage means we refuse to be mastered by fear.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Hart
God doesn't desire our worship because He is egocentric. He desires it because we are.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Desire