Mariella Frostrup

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If I was a man, I don't know if I'd settle down long before I was 50.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Whenever the party-girl tag gets attached to my name, it makes me want to snort with derision.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Of course, I'd like to earn Jonathan Ross's money, but I don't have sleepless nights wondering when someone's going to knock on my door with sacks of cash.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
You're allowed to have gravitas when you've got the wrinkles to prove it, but not when you're attractive and younger - or, at least, you have to fight really hard to prove you're capable of productive thought.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I love physical books, can't bear to throw them away, and am drowning under the weight of my collection, but I do a lot of my work reading now on my iPad.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I couldn't choose a favourite author, but two contemporary writers who have never disappointed me are Tim Winton and Alice Munro.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Reading a book you are not enjoying is a torture not to be undertaken without a reward. I leave plays at the interval, too!
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
The sight of parents, children and grandparents all descending on a tented field to enjoy the pleasure of ideas and books renews my faith in humanity.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
In my late teens and early twenties, I thought having children was possibly the most irresponsible thing you could do because I thought that the world was a dreadful place; I thought the sooner we all got off the planet, the better.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Coming from a broken home, I wanted to be as sure as I could be that my kids would have two parents who will stay together and bring them up.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I used to go out with someone who was a really great diver, and we used to go to all the great dive spots all over the globe - although I would spend most of my time crying because I was often too scared to go into the water. But once I was in the water, I loved it.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Writers want to talk. They can't wait to tell you what they've been thinking. And because they've been in solitude, they've had some fairly decent thoughts.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Men want children later, but women can't rely on being able to. So I'm all for scientific advances and the help they can give people.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I would go out with people who really didn't like me very much and then wonder why we weren't getting married!
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Normally, the thin-skinned have an endless array of excuses for why their workaday interactions are so much harder to bear for them than for the rest of us. In the eyes of the self-suffering, they are being victimised, used and always abused, when they're actually experiencing exactly the same body blows as the rest of us.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Often, those who bruise easily spend too much time thinking about themselves. I'd go so far as to say that oversensitivity is a privilege of the underoccupied. The majority of people don't have the time to lavish care on emotional wounds - they're too busy getting on with living.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
There are more than enough people with serious mental issues who really do need professional help without all the other Toms, Dicks and Harriets rushing to the therapist's couch.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Contrary to popular mythology, the best and most durable relationships are based not on vulnerability or passion but on a conjugation of positive attributes, a meeting of mind, body and soul that is all the more powerful as it is not weighed down with neediness and unreasonable expectation.
- Mariella Frostrup
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in, external situations cause internal friction, you grow apart and then bounce back together.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Together
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I was told that when you hit forty men stop looking at you. It's true, until you slip on a mini-skirt.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Men
Image of Mariella Frostrup
In romance we feel the need to zoom in and expound on our partner's foibles in intimate detail; in friendship we tend to do the opposite, avoiding confrontation through fear, lethargy or both.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Opposites
Image of Mariella Frostrup
I wasn't allowed to be clever when I was young and blonde, but now I am 50 and an old blonde, I am allowed to have gravitas. With wrinkles comes wisdom.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Clever
Image of Mariella Frostrup
The point of the feminist movement wasnt simply to set our underwear on fire and muscle into small spaces in the male-dominated workplace, but to create a world where the contribution of both sexes was equally valued and no ones worth was judged on their take-home salary.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Sex
Image of Mariella Frostrup
Placing "amicable" and "separation" together creates an oxymoron - we don't usually decide to end a partnership until the very sight of our soon-to-be ex fills us with disgust, misery, agony or a combination of all three.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Sight
Image of Mariella Frostrup
In romance, we feel the need to zoom in and expound on our partner’s foibles in intimate detail; in friendship, we tend to do the opposite, avoiding confrontation through fear, lethargy or both.
- Mariella Frostrup
Collection: Romance