Malcolm Gladwell

Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Emotion is contagious.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Success
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Outlier are those who have been given opportunities-- -and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Who we are cannot be separated from where we're from.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Success
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Occasions when you can change your mind should be cherished, because they mean you're smarter than you were before.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
We need to look at the subtle, the hidden, and the unspoken.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Needs
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Our unconscious is really good at quick decision-making - it often delivers a better answer than more deliberate and exhaustive ways of thinking.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Incompetence is certainty in the absence of expertise. Overconfidence is certainty in the presence of expertise.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Absence
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Those with health insurance are overinsured and their behavior is distorted by moral hazard. Those without health insurance use their own money to make decisions based on an assessment of their needs. The insured are wasteful. The uninsured are prudent. So what's the solution? Make the insured a little more like the uninsured.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Assessment
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
The conventional explanation for Jewish success, of course, is that Jews come from a literate, intellectual culture. They are famously "the people of the book." There is surely something to that. But it wasn't just the children of rabbis who went to law school. It was the children of garment workers. And their critical advantage in climbing the professional ladder wasn't the intellectual rigor you get from studying the Talmud. It was the practical intelligence and savvy you get from watching your father sell aprons on Hester Street.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Children
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Re-reading is much underrated. I've read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold once every five years since I was 15. I only started to understand it the third time.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Reading
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
If your parents are billionaires, that might actually be an obstacle to your own happiness and self-development. If you go to Oxford or Harvard, that might actually thwart your desire to graduate with a science or math degree.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Math
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
There is a simple way to package information that, under the right circumstances, can make it irresistible. All you have to do is find it.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Simple
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Eye
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Success
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
What does it say about a society that it devotes more care and patience to the selection of those who handle its money than of those who handle its children?
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Children
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Good writing does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else's head.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Success
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
There are exceptional people out there who are capable of starting epidemics. All you have to do is find them.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Epidemics
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Working really hard is what successful people do.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Successful
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Views
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
The Band-Aid solution is actually the best kind of solution because it involves solving a problem with the minimum amount of effort and time and cost.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Economists often talk about the 80/20 Principle, which is the idea that in any situation roughly 80 percent of the “work” will be done by 20 percent of the participants. In most societies, 20 percent of criminals commit 80 percent of crimes. Twenty percent of motorists cause 80 percent of all accidents. Twenty percent of beer drinkers drink 80 percent of all beer. When it comes to epidemics, though, this disproportionality becomes even more extreme: a tiny percentage of people do the majority of the work.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Beer
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
...If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires. (151)
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
You don’t start at the top if you want to find the story. You start in the middle, because it’s the people in the middle who do the actual work in the world.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Stories
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
People who are busy doing things – as opposed to people who are busy sitting around, like me, reading and having coffee in coffee shops -don’t have opportunities to kind of collect and organize their experiences and make sense of them.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Reading
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Re-reading is much underrated. I’ve read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold once every five years since I was 15. I only started to understand it the third time.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Reading