L'Wren Scott

Image of L'Wren Scott
I believe in stopping work and eating lunch.
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Work
Image of L'Wren Scott
Peruvian food is so simple yet amazingly flavored with their traditional spices.
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Food
Image of L'Wren Scott
After working with clothes for so long, it seemed right to design them.
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Design
Image of L'Wren Scott
I was so tall and so skinny - I was that kid who couldn't find anything to wear. All the cool kids would have jeans the right length and I would just think, 'What am I going to do?'
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Cool
Image of L'Wren Scott
Everyone has this perception that the bloggers, they say horrible things about you and they hide behind their computers where you can't see them.
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Computers
Image of L'Wren Scott
I've never met a woman who thinks they've got a good enough figure - however perfect they look - which is sad, because no one else can see these perceived flaws; they're entirely internal.
- L'Wren Scott
Collection: Sad
Image of L'Wren Scott
If you don't feel good in it, don't wear it, because you'll never look good.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
When I designed my first house in L.A., I didn't have any money - I did it all on my own. I liked that.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I don't think I realized the extremes of my proportions until I moved to Paris. I thought I'd be 'normal' as a model, but actually, even in that world, I was at one end of the spectrum.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I'm not an easy customer. My attention to detail could probably drive you mad. My eye still always goes toward the single flaw.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I love an iPad game of Scrabble.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I don't really measure success by anything other than if I am happy. That is success to me. Am I happy waking up every morning? And despite the challenges of running my own business, do I look forward to going to work? Absolutely.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I always have to have my lipstick. Sometimes I have more than one shade: start with one color for the morning, one for night. Sometimes I have a couple shades just in case I need something more powerful for the day.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I like talking one-on-one to everyone. I find it really sort of cathartic and interesting to hear people's opinions.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I like a very sexy silhouette, and I like to feel like when you put something on, you zip yourself into it, and you're secure in there.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I've always been very inspired by fashion. I've always been a big fan of style.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I just want to be known for what I do, not who I know.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
My entertainment was going to the local dollar movie theatre on the weekend, where I watched old black and white movies. If you wanted current movies, you had to drive to the big city.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
When a garment is in sync with your body and its proportions, it looks and feels amazing, and in France that is something that all women know from a young age.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I think everyone evolves over the years, but I have always had the silhouette that I know suits me. I am never going to wear a frothy, poufy thing that sticks out because I have found a style that works for me, and I stick with it.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
As a designer, when someone wears my clothes, the biggest compliment I can receive is that the woman looks amazing because my designs have flattered her, not taken over her. I take that philosophy to heart myself each morning when I am getting ready for the day.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I'm a fashion designer. I don't want to be defined as someone's girlfriend.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Luxury is a state of mind.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Enhancing a woman's silhouette and enhancing a woman's beauty - both contribute to enhancing her confidence, so they're synonymous, really.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
It was always sort of my dream to make handbags and I wanted a handbag that was very sharp, very structured, very tailored... I wanted a bag you could put all of your things in it, you can open it, you could close it, you could hid all your tricks, but it's not all lumpy.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
You'll see the most perfect person, and you are like, 'God, she's, like, perfect.' And then she'll tell you everything that's not perfect. Everyone has their own special set of problems - in their own minds.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Random things are luxurious to people. It's personal.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I am a fashion designer, so I guess that makes me an overpacker.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Guys understand a waistline. They understand a silhouette.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
The modern woman has a modern life, and most of us work. There's no time to change before we go out in the evening, so a dress should always look appropriate for day and night.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I love a real-life, movie moment in living color.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I never eat where the hotel recommends. I do my own research and then try the most highly rated options.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I am only six foot three, by the way.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I dress for men.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Everyone has their own special set of problems - in their own minds.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
The biggest part of my fashion choices is how comfortable it is.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
People often try to disguise televisions. I always think that makes it worse. It is what it is!
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
In the future, I'd like to make jewelry and sell it under my own name. But right now, I've got enough on my plate!
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I'm always working. I work wherever I am.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Every season I try to top myself, and push it a little further.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
Women of every age and size really just want to look sexy, while retaining their power and dignity.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I have a very big family and a lot of friends, and buying presents is one of my favorite things to do.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
There's lots of things you pull out lipstick for.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I take a multivitamin, vitamin D, and omega-3 oils every day, and if I'm stressed or run- down, I bulk up on vitamin C and zinc.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I exercise five days a week at home.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
My theory is that balance is key - nothing in excess.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I had to learn to sew when I was growing up, because nothing else fitted me.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
I didn't particularly like being objectified.
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
You can celebrate the female form in comfort. We left corsets behind in the dark ages, so why bring them back now?
- L'Wren Scott
Image of L'Wren Scott
It's so important your customer can rely on you for your classics.
- L'Wren Scott