Lucinda Riley

Image of Lucinda Riley
Remember,even if we can't see them, those we love are always with us.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Remember
Image of Lucinda Riley
I believe that our lives, just like fairy tales - the stories that have been written by us humans, through our own experiences of living - will always have a Hero and a Heroine, a Fairy Godmother and a Wicked Witch.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Believe
Image of Lucinda Riley
Every human being has a fascinating existence, with a big cast of good and evil characters in each. And almost always, somewhere along the way, magic.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Character
Image of Lucinda Riley
I am at the stage of my life everyone dreads - that of filling my days with the past, because there is little future left.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Past
Image of Lucinda Riley
It's amazing how beauty can mask so many flaws
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Flaws
Image of Lucinda Riley
Spirits...Ghosts...Angels...whichever yo wish to call them - Reader, they do exist. I've seem them all my life, but I've learned to say nothing. And for all you cynics out there, just remember, there is no proof either way. So I choose to believe. In my opinion, it's much the best option.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Believe
Image of Lucinda Riley
And what's wrong with dimming the harsh reality of life a little, anyway? In essence, being alive is a bloody long and hard walk to death. Why not make it as pleasant along the way as you can?
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Reality
Image of Lucinda Riley
When I loose my faith in Human nature, I put my faith in Nature-
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Human Nature
Image of Lucinda Riley
Once you have made a decision and there is no turning back, acceptance is the only comfort.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Lucinda Riley
She pulled off Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and settled down in a comfortable leather chair by the fire to read.
- Lucinda Riley
Collection: Fire