Louis Susman

Image of Louis Susman
You know it's easy to say you shouldn't do something and then something happens and you say, 'Wow, I wish I would have done something.'
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
Sometimes, I think I have the best job in the world.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
The Americans' position is clear: we promote democracy.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
I want to say unequivocally the Queen is magnificent. She is the enduring force, she is the glue that makes everyone feel good. She is beloved. I would rue the day when she may not be here.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
In war and in peace, in prosperity and times of economic hardship, America has no better friend or more dependable ally than the United Kingdom.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
I don't think anyone enjoys raising money, but for some reason I seem to have a knack.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
David Cameron has a different style to Gordon Brown.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
My wife and I are art collectors and architectural crazies.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
The bond between the United States and Britain has always been strong. It has survived through war and peace, periods of prosperity and economic hardship.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
In sport, Americans are prominent in the Premier League - both on and off the pitch.
- Louis Susman
Image of Louis Susman
You know it's easy to say you shouldn't do something and then something happens and you say, 'Wow, I wish I would have done something.
- Louis Susman
Collection: Wish
Image of Louis Susman
I don't think anyone enjoys raising money, but for some reason I seem to have a knack...
- Louis Susman
Collection: Thinking
Image of Louis Susman
Sometimes I think I have the best job in the world.
- Louis Susman
Collection: Jobs