Logan Lerman

Image of Logan Lerman
I love learning from the filmmakers that I'm working with, but more importantly, I love learning from the crew.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Crew
Image of Logan Lerman
If I had a script that I was ready to shoot tomorrow, I'd work on it every day until we got into production as soon as possible, but I don't have that script yet, so I'm trying to find and support writers, really young writers and hopefully come across a story that I wanna tell one day.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Support
Image of Logan Lerman
I know what it means to be Jewish, and I don't think someone who wasn't Jewish would really understand.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Mean
Image of Logan Lerman
It's really interesting to observe each filmmaker's approach to filmmaking and I feel very fortunate to have worked with a lot of really interesting filmmakers and they all approach their job in unique ways.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Logan Lerman
I'm in a position where - I mean, not a lot of people are in a very fortunate position - where I kind of have the power to choose what I want to do in a way.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Mean
Image of Logan Lerman
A lot of times I'm on my own trying to find research material and things like that and trying to educate myself on the world and the film that I'm working on.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Trying
Image of Logan Lerman
When filming, I like to travel with an instrument.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Instruments
Image of Logan Lerman
A lot of times, when I'm approaching pre-production and my job, and trying to research and work on the script and whatnot it's always different.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Logan Lerman
What you choose to do professionally is a reflection of yourself and I take that seriously as an actor. But even as a filmmaker, I take it even more seriously.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Reflection
Image of Logan Lerman
The filmmakers that I studied and appreciated growing up are the ones that are able to dictate their vision clearly to each department, and they know the language of how to communicate with each department well enough, so that their vision is clearly transferred to the screen. So I like to spend time on sets learning from all of the departments and seeing how they approach their jobs. It's not just filmmakers, you know? There's so many mediums involved. I love learning about all of the mediums.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Logan Lerman
I would love to shoot on film, but you can't really shoot a lot of footage on film, and you can't print a lot of it.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Film
Image of Logan Lerman
You can't print everything and that's not good for filmmaking, because you wanna have as many options as possible and print as much as you can, but if you're going to shoot a film - an independent movie on film, the only way to really do it is to print your selects.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Independent
Image of Logan Lerman
You're not really just a filmmaker that makes a movie good most of the time. It's everybody involved; it's a collective effort.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Collective Effort
Image of Logan Lerman
I'm not someone who works a lot, and what I mean by that is that I have a project and I focus on it, and I don't spread myself too thin. I try to give as much as I can to that project, and if we have a lot of time, that's amazing for me, because I like to really dive deep and do as much as I can.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Mean
Image of Logan Lerman
It is obvious when an actor has put work into prep and research and understanding their character, and they're making choices, because that's what happens when you take the time - or have the time - to really think about the material, but that only accounts for about 60% of what happens on the day. When you're in the moment, you throw it all away. Well, you don't throw it all away, but it's in you now, and everything is reactionary in that moment and you have to be honest and present and listening.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Character
Image of Logan Lerman
I started studying filmmakers, and I would say early on the ones that really inspired me the most were like the field magicians of music videos.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Video
Image of Logan Lerman
Film is a collection of many mediums and collaboration and you're only as strong as the people you're working with - and everybody owns their mediums.
- Logan Lerman
Collection: Strong