Liz Truss

Image of Liz Truss
Coronavirus may well represent the biggest health crisis any of us experience in our lifetimes.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Experience
Image of Liz Truss
Britain is the home of economic freedom, with liberty guaranteed by the independence of our state institutions, and an absence of corruption assured by transparency.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Independence
Image of Liz Truss
I think every woman in this country will understand what it means to be mansplained to. It happens in everyday life - you know, if you go into a shop, or you're talking about finance.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Finance
Image of Liz Truss
Economics and finance is the final frontier for women; it's the last thing they will conquer because controlling finance is at the heart of everything in government.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Finance
Image of Liz Truss
And after Brexit, we will be free to determine our economic future, with control over our money, laws and borders.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Money
Image of Liz Truss
We're trendsetters, first to welcome brilliant inventions into our lives, from the microwave meal to Instagram. Britain is a nation of Uber-riding, Deliveroo-eating, Airbnb-ing freedom fighters.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Freedom
Image of Liz Truss
We want a fully comprehensive trade deal that reflects our deep, ongoing relationship, the friendship between our two countries, the fact that Australians want to come and live and work in Britain, and Brits want to come and live and work in Australia.
- Liz Truss
Collection: Friendship
Image of Liz Truss
I have to admit I don't like pizza. I love it. And I am prepared to do literally anything to get my hands on a slice.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
When I left university I got a job with Shell on their graduate scheme. One of my roles was as a commercial manager for liquid natural gas shipping, project economics and contract negotiation.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I hate rodents. I mean, the House of Commons is completely infested. I will stand on a chair if I see one of the things.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Parliament should start earlier in the day and finish earlier. Otherwise I love it.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
It's almost 10 years since the 2008 crisis, but we all still remember the consequences of ignoring threats to the public finances.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I've been anxious but not depressed. I'm an incorrigible optimist.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I'm a big fan of political editor Allegra Stratton.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Tyrrells crisps are one of the top sellers in France. I don't know if you've tasted crisps in other countries, but I really think British crisps are world leaders. I went to China and they told me there is only one type of potato available there.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Women are not going to start businesses because we tell them we don't have enough people of a certain group. People want to start businesses because it's a way of fulfilling their ambitions and dreams.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I am quite bolshy, sometimes. I like to get my own way, lets put it like that.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
In London the average person is paying 50 per cent of their income on rent. Just think how much better off people would feel if that number was a lot lower.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
The British brand is so popular particularly in the US that they put the union jack flag on top of beer bottles because it sells.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I'd love the job of Chancellor one day.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
If I do feel scared I deliberately challenge myself not to feel scared.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
It's absolutely right that we scrutinise the leaders who after all are going to be in a position of great power.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I was interested in the ideas - freedom, free speech and having control of my own life. That's why I became a Tory.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Let's cut the top rates of stamp duty to enable more movement to take place and also looking at the broader tax reform, simplifying our tax system.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Women need to be less squeamish about making money.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I was Margaret Thatcher in the school election during the 1983 General Election.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Maintaining confidence in international trade will be critical to the broader economic recovery in the post-Covid world.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I campaigned for the UK to stay in the European Union but the country chose a different path.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
The free market is fundamentally humane and democratic, driven by ideas and millions of individual choices about what to do with our money which defy those who benefit from the status quo.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Brexit has energised millions of people, young and old, to take part in our democracy and that's a great thing.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Nobody wants to be in a room or their business to be funded because they're a woman. They don't want to be discriminated against because they're a woman.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
From the coffee bars of Camden to the gin joints of Norfolk - across Britain, a revolution is brewing. And no, it's not John McDonnell's bitter socialist hooch. It's a generation growing up with an entirely different view of the world - free thinking, optimistic and hungry for success.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Our public services and the great people who work in them are improving lives.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I think we've got caught up in the weeds of Brexit, and... the approach has been to try and compromise and split the difference. And that to me is not what Brexit is about.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Britain has always been at its most successful when it's a trading nation.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
With Anglo-American capitalism increasingly under attack, those who believe in the power of free markets and enterprise to create wealth and social progress must stand up and be counted and champion our way of life.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I want people to buy British because it's the tastiest food and the most exciting food.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I have been the only female minister in every government department I've worked in.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I think there's a danger in politics of being too risk-averse.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I didn't become a Tory just to become part of a managerial group who wanted to run the country... I want to see popular free-market Conservatism where barriers are broken down, people have got more opportunities but keep more of their own money.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
We've been prepared to make the arguments for lowering corporation tax, which is all about encouraging risk takers, encouraging entrepreneurs, and I observe that for the vast majority of the Labour government we had a top rate of 40 per cent income tax. It's now higher, and I think we should look to get to a simpler, lower tax system.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I admire Peter Mandleson's chutzpah and the way he transformed the Labour party but not his dubious ideas about Europe and industrial policy.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
Election campaigns always have to have colour and excitement and interest. People want to know about the details of politicians, what they like doing in their spare time, about their families. I think that's human.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
If we just had an election which is a kind of desiccated calculation, obviously I think the Conservatives have the best economic plans, but it is about more than that. It is about the overall person.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I love Britain. It really worries me, the prospect of Ed Miliband propped up by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP and what that could do to our country. It's absolutely right that we highlight to voters that potential risk.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I want Britain to lead the world in food and farming and to do that we need enough productive agricultural land.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
I'm very concerned that a lot of our land is being taken up with solar farms.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
We have lots of roadside stands in Norfolk where you can just pick up vegetables that people have grown in their garden and put the money in a pot.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
We spent a lot of time talking about politics at home. We went to the camp at Greenham Common.
- Liz Truss
Image of Liz Truss
All of my parents' friends worked in public sector jobs. The teachers at my school were quite often card-carrying members of the Labour Party and it just was not part of the culture to approve of what the government was doing.
- Liz Truss