Lenny Abrahamson

Image of Lenny Abrahamson
'Room' was a particularly cohesive group, crew and cast.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
I'm interested in discontinuities and interruptions, people having to rewrite the narrative of their lives because of sudden changes.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
I'm fascinated by people who have to reinvent themselves. I did it a few times - I was going to be a physicist before I was passionate about philosophy - and I realized that one more change, and I'm going to start looking like a dilettante.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
'Room' is a very subtly-made film, and directing awards tend to go to the flashier stuff, but it's the Director's section of the academy that make the decision, so I'm very proud they can see something in what I directed and wanted to reward it.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
The title, the name Frank, comes from this extraordinary British character Frank Friedbottom. He was very big in Britain in the '80s, but I, as an Irish kid, saw him on 'Top of the Charts.'
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
I usually shower the night before, lay out all my clothes on the floor, so then I just fall into them, clean my teeth, stumble out the door, get into my car and go wherever it is that we're shooting. You have breakfast on set.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
When I'm shooting, it averages out at a 16-hour day. You have two deadlines everyday - lunch and wrap.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
It's very important to have a good relationship with the crew and cast because you want to get the best out of them. They'll work really hard for you if they like you.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
When you're shooting, there's terrible pressure, and you never switch off. Every day is like the day before an exam; it's relentless.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
Film is so much about that intensity of focus that there always needs to be some tension and some forward motion. The novel goes into a series of lovely observations about the world, but you've got to find the story.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Collection: Focus
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
People who don't quite fit society, they are often kind of either under an awful lot of pressure or otherwise not acceptable to the mainstream and that tells us a lot about who we are. The people that don't fit are a great way of reflecting on all of us.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Collection: People
Image of Lenny Abrahamson
There should always be that leeway because if you think of your character as sort of absolutely fixed, then you just try and find actors to come and do exactly that thing, then you're not gonna be working with that actor's own set of internal impulses and who they are, so the best work is always a coming together of the actor and the character.
- Lenny Abrahamson
Collection: Character