L. Tom Perry

Image of L. Tom Perry
Mothers of today have no greater opportunity and no more serious challenge than to do all they can to strengthen the home.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Mother
Image of L. Tom Perry
We declare to the world that the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. . . . We invite all to listen to the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ from us. Then you can compare the glorious message with what you may hear from others, and you can determine which is from God and which is from man.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Jesus
Image of L. Tom Perry
Prayer endows us with the power to draw near to our Eternal Father. How important it is, then, that one of our fundamental teachings to our children is how to pray.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Prayer
Image of L. Tom Perry
I promise you, if you will heed the voice of warning of the Holy Ghost and will follow His direction, you will be blessed with the ministering of angels, which will add wisdom, knowledge, power, and glory to your life. Remember, the Lord is bound by solemn covenant to bless our lives according to our faithfulness.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Blessed
Image of L. Tom Perry
Parents have the glorious opportunity of being the most powerful influence, above and beyond any other, on the new lives that bless their homes.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Powerful
Image of L. Tom Perry
Teaching children the joy of honest labor is one of the greatest of all gifts you can bestow upon them. Let us also teach our children to see that the work assigned is carried to its completion and to take pride in what they accomplish.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Children
Image of L. Tom Perry
Regarding Fasting: Have the faith to bind the Lord.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Faith
Image of L. Tom Perry
Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the restorer of all things important to building the kingdom of God and preparing for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Jesus
Image of L. Tom Perry
If we will build righteous traditions in our families, the light of the gospel can grow ever brighter in the lives of our children from generation to generation. We can look forward to that glorious day when we will all be united together as eternal family units to reap the everlasting joy promised by our Eternal Father for His righteous children.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Children
Image of L. Tom Perry
And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good-to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Sick
Image of L. Tom Perry
God’s eternal blessings are contingent upon our obedience and adherence to the word of the Lord that is revealed to us through His holy prophets
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Blessing
Image of L. Tom Perry
It is not enough to behave reverently; we must feel in our hearts reverence for our Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Reverence flows from our admiration and respect for Deity. It is something we feel inside our hearts no matter what is going on around us. It is also a personal responsibility. We cannot blame others for disturbing our reverent attitudes.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Jesus
Image of L. Tom Perry
Heavenly Father's commandments are the road map He has given us to return to Him, which is the only way we will be eternally happy.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Father
Image of L. Tom Perry
Increasingly, the balance between living in the world and not being of the world is becoming more delicate. Publications, radio, television, and the Internet have surrounded us with worldliness. . . . We are fortunate to have been blessed with a special power to direct us in making important decisions between right and wrong.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Blessed
Image of L. Tom Perry
The nations of the world, if they follow the Lord, will continue to be a blessing to His children so long as they trust and follow Him.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Children
Image of L. Tom Perry
Young men, I challenge you to build your lives on a foundation of truth and righteousness. It is the only foundation that will stand the pressures of this life and endure through the eternities. The priesthood you bear is a special gift, for the giver is the Lord Himself. Use it, magnify it, and live worthy of it. I want you to know that I have a special and personal testimony of its power. It has blessed my life in so many ways.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Blessed
Image of L. Tom Perry
We declare our belief in Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Savior. He will bless us and guide us in all of our efforts. As we labor here in mortality, He will strengthen us and bring us peace in time of trials. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints walk by faith in Him whose Church it is.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Jesus
Image of L. Tom Perry
Today, I would like you to pause, ponder, and think of the value of an immortal soul, especially the ones entrusted to you as parents. Where are your priorities? Have you committed yourself to give the sufficient time necessary to train your children?
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Family
Image of L. Tom Perry
In all of the history of mankind there has never been a time when we have had a greater opportunity to increase our knowledge of the law of the Lord...Surely there can be no excuse for us not to become the best informed generation of all time in our knowledge of the scriptures. Never before have we had opportunity such as we have today to become real gospel scholars.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Real
Image of L. Tom Perry
Obedience is an emblem of our faith in the wisdom and power of the highest authority, even God.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Obedience
Image of L. Tom Perry
Surely there could not be any doctrine more strongly expressed in the scriptures than the Lord’s unchanging commandments and their connection to our happiness and well-being as individuals, as families, and as a society.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Connections
Image of L. Tom Perry
Prayer endows us with the power to draw near to our Eternal Father.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Prayer
Image of L. Tom Perry
Be certain that you easily clear the minimum standards for service as a missionary and that you are continually raising the bar.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Missionary
Image of L. Tom Perry
Let me close by bearing witness (and my nine decades on this earth fully qualify me to say this) that the older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Keys
Image of L. Tom Perry
The world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Blessing
Image of L. Tom Perry
We can't predict all the struggles and storms in life, not even the ones just around the next corner, but as persons of faith and hope, we know beyond a shadow of any doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and the best is yet to come.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Jesus