Kurtwood Smith

Image of Kurtwood Smith
We have a great time on that show, and we enjoy one another's company on stage and off. And sitcoms don't have bad schedules. We started out working five days a week, but now we're down to three.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
I really miss the rehearsal process of theater.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
If I had not gotten along so well with some of the people on the show, it would have been a different story. But in this case, it was great. But sure, it will be fun to look around.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
We did this film in 13 days, mind you. And 13 days is not very long for a feature film. Nobody in their right mind would argue that. Nobody in their right mind would do that.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
Peter Boyle on Everybody Loves Raymond is more of an insane Dad.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
I don't mind the audience identifying me with Red.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
More of him came from my step-dad, who is now passed away. The initial creators of the show kind of based the character on their dads and then I added my dad.
- Kurtwood Smith
Image of Kurtwood Smith
It's hard to believe that, in the 1970's, America was virtually hunger-free. During the past two decades, we have allowed hunger to attack our most precious resource, our children. We must reinstate and strengthen programs to eliminate this blight on our society.
- Kurtwood Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Kurtwood Smith
I love playing villains. When you're a bad guy, you get to do many real nasty things. It's a lot of fun.
- Kurtwood Smith
Collection: Fun