Konnie Huq

Image of Konnie Huq
West Wittering in Chichester is perfect for a short break and if I've got longer, Devon and Cornwall are my favourites places in Britain.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'd love to rent a private villa in a resort complex with a kids' club.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Food lovers tend to make life difficult for themselves on their travels. It's like travelling first class, if your expectations are so high, you're bound to be disappointed.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I guess when you're on 'Blue Peter' there's that goody-two-shoes image which people find attractive.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
You're an example as a kids' presenter, so there is a responsibility there. But they got lucky with me - I'm not into heavy nights out.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Journalists know other journalists - that's the only reason my engagement made it into the papers. I don't think real people are interested - just the media, just Twitter!
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'm really not aware of much press. I could drive myself mental if I went on the internet. I'd probably overanalyse it anyway. There's so much media that I'd feel bombarded, so I don't pay it much attention.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
At eight or nine I passed the exam for Notting Hill and Ealing High, a private school. I had an assisted place; I was always the one who, for financial reasons, didn't go on the skiing trip or whatever.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
When I was in the sixth form I presented a cable and satellite programme about music, television and video. I used to do public speaking competitions.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My A-levels were physics, chemistry and maths. Science is fascinating but I wouldn't say I have used it since then. I decided to do economics.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Economics is a good degree to have but the subject is very theoretical at Cambridge and I found it frustrating that you can't apply a lot of the models to particular circumstances.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
The internet creates a mask and you are talking to people who you don't necessarily know.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
We as parents, and the control culture, it is our responsibility to make sure we give the right perceived norms and the right cultural conditions.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Me and my husband think the internet is a really positive thing. We know games that have taught our children problem-solving skills but that doesn't mean we are going to say play 'Call of Duty.'
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My husband Charlie says I get ready five minutes before I go out the door. I am one of those people who can't do anything unless it's imminent - that's how I roll.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I have thick hair which is like Plasticine - it's mouldable. So I'll fashion it into some creation that looks presentable. I often wear it down because I have a tiny head and small face, and my hair adds volume to help disguise my pinhead.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I like to wear things that don't need ironing. It seems a fundamental design flaw when clothing needs ironing. There are loads of fabrics these days that don't need ironing, so I stick to those.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I had an instamatic wind-on camera and remember buying the flashcubes and fixing on top of the frame. The flash credits were limited so you had to be careful not to waste any.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Getting the spot of 'Blue Peter' changed the path of my life.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I have surreal dreams, so much so that I can never make head nor tail of them.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I don't usually eulogise about people, but I saw Russell Brand doing stand-up before he was really high profile. I didn't really know what to expect but I laughed until my belly ached.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Because my parents are Muslim, there's no doubt they wished I would marry someone Muslim.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
The one thing more important to my parents than my career is that I am happily married.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My parents really wanted me to have an arranged marriage when I was younger, but I think they have updated a bit with the times.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Life in 'Blue Peter's' world is always presented as happy, positive and fun. It's an adventure that you have to make the kids believe they want to join in. There are no marks for being a scaredy-cat.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
It was daunting, giving up a regular job for a freelance world, where every day off is a day of unemployment and you are conscious you are not earning. But it was time to take a gamble and see what's on the other side.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My parents grew up in a village where they didn't even have running water. They are first generation immigrants who are proof that arranged marriages can work, although I wouldn't want one.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
The brilliant thing about 'Blue Peter' is the variety of the stuff you do and the experiences that you have, just amazing experiences.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Because Blue Peter can get you access to places - if you go to somewhere like Nasa, you don't just see what most people see, you can get a lot of behind the scenes access. You can talk to an astronaut.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
And then I saw this article in 'Time Out' magazine for TV presenters, so I went along with my sisters and we did this audition. It was open auditions, it was just a fun day out, but there were maybe 600 people there or something. It was just crazy.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Since I've left 'Blue Peter' I've presented all sorts of different things. I've done a music show, for instance, and 'Blue Peter' had music on it. I've done a politics show, but on 'Blue Peter' I interviewed the Prime Minister. I've done travel stuff where I've gone abroad, but 'Blue Peter' had that within it as well.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I don't really buy a weekly magazine but do flick through them if they're in front of me. A bit of style and a dose of gossip is just what you need sometimes.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'm trying to start reading books that you gain knowledge from in order to challenge myself more. As a rule, I tend to read easy reading/populist-type books, but I don't feel like I'm learning enough.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
As for other radio, I dip in and out of various channels depending on my mood.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I've just watched the whole series of 'Flight of the Conchords'. I absolutely love it - the humour, the actors, everything about it.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I like interiors as much as exteriors but 'interior designer' just sounds naff as a job.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
There's enough wealth in the world that no one should go without.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I do sometimes like cheesy music like 'Africa' by Toto; naff songs and music.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I say throwaway, jokey things. When you're young-looking and you are presenting something that has gravitas you can't look down your nose, but when David Dimbleby does it, it's OK.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My parents are very proud that I was a 'Blue Peter' presenter and of me going to Cambridge to do economics.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I don't really worry about things, I'm too busy.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Blue Peter' scarred me for life. I was kayak-surfing in Cornwall and the waves were so strong it was more like white-water rafting. I had to hang on for dear life. At one point I let go and my hand was crushed on a rock.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I've never been more terrified than when I learned how to paramotor. They attached this machine to my back, as if I was a stuntman in a James Bond movie, and I had to fly over all these trees and patches of concrete in Cirencester.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My parents are proof that arranged marriages can work. It is a great part of my culture but I grew up in a completely different place, so I wouldn't want anyone to arrange a marriage for me.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
In general, I think we're more or less shaped and formed by our late 20s. Things come along during that time that make us cynical. By the time you're in your 30s, it's hard to unpick those mindsets that have formed. It takes years of therapy to undo them.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I've become more cause-driven as I've got older. Maybe that's a result of having kids; you become less carefree and more worried about things.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
An experience that shaped me happened early in my TV career when I filmed in Mozambique, Angola and Bangladesh for 'Blue Peter' and Comic Relief. Places with extreme poverty. When you see that first-hand as a young person, you take it with you for life.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I did this show for Sky called 'King of the Nerds', which was a reality show looking for the world's biggest nerd, essentially, celebrating the geek, which is also what I'm about.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'm lucky in that the media is much more freelancey. So I didn't have that pressure that lots of people have if you jump off the ladder, then you get left behind.
- Konnie Huq