Kobe Bryant

Image of Kobe Bryant
I'm just right down the middle, man, ... It doesn't matter to me. I'd love him (Phil Jackson) as a coach. It doesn't matter to me. If they want him here, he'll be here. If he wants to come, he'll come, he'll coach and we'll go from there.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
It really doesn't matter to me. We're just talking about clothes. I can understand what the NBA is trying to do. I love my sneakers, but we're just talking about clothes.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
I'm not jumping through the gym by any means. But I don't need to be able to do that in order to be a great player.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Mean
Image of Kobe Bryant
If they want to win right now, I'm all for it. That's all I said the whole time. If you want to wait five years, let me know. My legs aren't as young as they used to be.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
What does perfection look like to me? Championship rings
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Perfection
Image of Kobe Bryant
There's a much bigger world out there.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: World
Image of Kobe Bryant
I was an idiot when I was a kid.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Kids
Image of Kobe Bryant
The Black Mamba collection of watches is me: It is my alter ego, so to speak. As I mentioned before, it is sharp, cutting edge and sleek which are characteristics I try to apply when I’m out there on the basketball court.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Kobe Bryant
Michael Jackson? He was something more (than one of my favorite entertainers), a true friend. He wasn't just a genius. Above all, he was a good person, who gave so much. He gave people values, he encouraged them to better themselves all the time. He was far deeper and more authentic than people could see. He was misunderstood too many times
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: True Friend
Image of Kobe Bryant
I played T-Mac. I cooked him. Roasted him. Wasn't even close.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Badass
Image of Kobe Bryant
Are you willing to push the right buttons even if it means being perceived as the villain? … I'd rather be perceived as a winner than a good teammate. I wish they both went hand in hand all the time but that's just not reality. … I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Mean
Image of Kobe Bryant
There's a difference [between taking a charge and flopping]. We all know what flopping is when we see it. The stuff that you see is where guys aren't really getting hit at all and are just flailing around like a fish out of water. That's kind of like, where are your balls at?
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Badass
Image of Kobe Bryant
A lot of times things get blown out of proportion in a negative light, especially in the NBA, ... But there are a lot of players in the NBA who really care about the community and want to use their basketball-playing ability for a good cause.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
It's just a matter of getting those legs back.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
I have my own identity ... The whole Michael thing does drive me nuts sometimes because people won't leave it alone. He's bald, I have hair. He's almost 40, I'm 22. Seriously though, I wish people would let it be and let me just be Kobe.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
Just got one more than Shaq. You can take that to the bank.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and as a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American, we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, if we’ve progressed as a society, then you don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: African American
Image of Kobe Bryant
Because we're old as sh*t. What do you want?
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Badass
Image of Kobe Bryant
I know how to play my guard spot, ... He can worry about the low post.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
It's wonderful for the players. It's a huge challenge and a huge responsibility for us to get our act together, get our butts in gear. Phil isn't going to bail us out because of our mental lapses.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Kobe Bryant
There's certain companies that line up with what the brand represents. There are other things that are more investment-focused.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Lines
Image of Kobe Bryant
By eloquence I understand those appeals to our moral perceptions that produce emotion as soon as they are uttered. This is the very enthusiasm that is the parent of poetry. Let the same man go to his closet and clothe in numbers conceptions full of the same fire and spirit, and they will be poetry.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Men
Image of Kobe Bryant
I don’t want to say I’ll be back at the top of my game because everybody’s gonna think I’m crazy and it’s the old player not letting go sort of thing, but that’s what it’s gonna be.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Kobe Bryant
He [Phil Jackson] is such a basketball genius in terms of the details of the game, the little nuances of the game and the rhythm of the game.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
I didn't expect this award [the 2008 MVP] would come to me. I'm surprised. I've played pretty well in other seasons. Our team hasn't been as good. Things just fell into place.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
Isn't the basis of a democracy to send somebody to Washington to bring something back for you? ... It isn't?
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Democracy
Image of Kobe Bryant
I love the weather, I love my '63 droptop Impala, I love the 405, and I love my guys.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success. Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Kobe Bryant
It’s not about the number of hours you practice, it’s about the number of hours your mind is present during the practice.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Numbers
Image of Kobe Bryant
If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
I’m chasing perfection.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Perfection
Image of Kobe Bryant
There is power in understanding the journey of others to help create your own.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Helping
Image of Kobe Bryant
My brain cannot process failure. It will not process failure
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Brain
Image of Kobe Bryant
Love me or hate me. It’s one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I’m a veteran, a champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I’m loved for the exact same reasons.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Hate
Image of Kobe Bryant
These young guys are playing checkers. I’m out there playing chess.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kobe Bryant
The party’s just getting started. This is where the fun starts.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Fun
Image of Kobe Bryant
Basketball is my refuge, my sanctuary. I go back to being a kid on the playground. When I get here, it’s all good.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Kids