Kevin McCarthy

Image of Kevin McCarthy
We know Africa does not have the same medical treatments as we do.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Medical
Image of Kevin McCarthy
The principles that should guide American foreign policy are simple: the world is safer when America leads, only strength ensures peace and freedom, and America must stand with its allies and challenge its adversaries.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Peace
Image of Kevin McCarthy
We pledge to you that we will create jobs. End economic uncertainty and make America more competitive. We will cut Washington wasteful spending and reduce the size of government. And we will reform Congress and restore your trust in government.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Trust
Image of Kevin McCarthy
When it comes to tyrants, dictators and terrorists, strength and the threat of force is the only language they understand.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Strength
Image of Kevin McCarthy
How we fund transportation in this country is broken. You all pay a gasoline tax, right? Well, cars go farther, we get electric cars, and so on. And then we do more with the money than just build roads. We do bike lanes and mass transit.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Car
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I believe in being a happy conservative: that you're happy because your policies will give people greater freedom, greater independence. But you have to explain why your policy makes life better.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Independence
Image of Kevin McCarthy
My belief is you have one chance to make a first impression.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Chance
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Our government has failed us. From the billion-dollar bailouts to the 'stimulus' package that failed to stimulate to the government takeover of health care, you cried 'Stop!'... but the Democratic Majority in Washington has refused to listen.
- Kevin McCarthy
Collection: Health
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Many times, we spend so much time on policy, but we don't explain how the policy affects and makes the heart even grow bigger. And I think that's a place that we have to look inside.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I'm on record saying nothing about immigration until we secure the borders. The borders are not secure.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
After hearing from my colleagues, I have decided to run for Speaker of the House. Let's work together to make a difference for our country.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
If elected Speaker, I promise you that we will have the courage to lead the fight for our conservative principles and make our case to the American people. But we will also have the wisdom to listen to our constituents and each other so that we always move forward together.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
For years now, long before I became House majority leader, I have been passionate about foreign affairs because I believe that anyone who leads in Washington must appreciate the significance of America's role in providing for global security and prosperity.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
If Russia wants to use energy as a weapon against our friends and allies, let's use our resources to set them free.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
The simple truth is that the implementation of Obamacare has hurt Americans and their health care more than it has helped.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
The facts are clear. Obamacare is failing the American people.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
In addition to billions in new 'stimulus' spending that our country can't afford, the Geithner plan also contains billions in tax increases on small and family-owned businesses while protecting the tax preferences of wealthy, multinational corporations.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Small businesses already struggle to compete with big businesses that enjoy the luxury of a tax code filled with corporate loopholes.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
As any small business owner knows, starting a business is not glamorous work.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Together, we can create something new, something bold, and something to act as a check and balance to Washington's out-of-touch agenda.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
As conservatives, we know our principles, and we also know the best ideas do not always come from Washington.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I believe in a free market of ideas and not shying away from debate.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
In Washington, we've seen enough tax hikes, government takeovers, bailouts, and other big government solutions under Speaker Pelosi's control.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
It's not easy for the average family to ensure that their child receives a quality education. And the federal government is not making it any easier.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
When kids start school, families often have little choice over where they can go. Sometimes, children are forced into a failing school simply because their parents live in a certain district, and that school is the only option.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Working at a restaurant is a tough gig.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Life in the restaurant business can provide a start in the working world for young people or a stable living for many Americans and their families.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Servers make very little in regular wages and largely rely on tips to pay the bills and budget for weeks ahead.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
For restaurants that have a minimum gratuity charge on large groups, the IRS will now count those tips as regular wages rather than traditional tips that we are all familiar with when we dine out. Ask any server, and they will tell you that this will directly affect their day-to-day lifestyle.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Every American, whether Democrat or Republican, agrees that job creation and affordable energy will be crucial to our economic turnaround.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Keystone will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada, North Dakota, and Montana to Gulf Coast refineries.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Despite support from a majority of Americans, a majority of the House of Representatives, and a majority of the Senate, Keystone XL is stuck - stalled by special-interest politics.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Black holes destroy any objects that happen to fall victim to their gravitational pull.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Once our country is fully engulfed in a debt crisis, our economy will be torn apart, and every American will be a victim of the federal government's failure to prevent this disaster.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I don't want to become Washington.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
When government grows, it breaks the family.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Peace comes through strength, not through retreat.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
We can't be afraid to call the enemy what it is: Radical Islamic terrorism.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
The gasoline tax is a user fee, but it does not fill enough of the need, and you want cars to be more efficient.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
The challenge has been, we make policy in the world of politics.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Reagan was president and had Democrats control the House and Senate, and they reformed the tax code. Clinton was president, and he had Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole; they reformed welfare and balanced the budget.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I don't view myself as a team manager, but a team captain. I'm part of the team, but everybody else as well.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
We're going to do tax reform to let people keep more of what they earn, grow an economy, and be able to save for your children's future and buy a new house.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I don't come from an Ivy League school or anywhere else.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
A lot of times, people just want to be an individual. But if you really want to win, at the end of the day, it's not about you just achieving something. Everybody can achieve more if they work together.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
I don't need a strong EPA. I don't need to fund a lot of money there.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
We have to defend America and be strong.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
There are two different types of leader. A person can either be like a thermometer or a thermostat. A thermometer will tell you what the temperature is. A thermostat will not only tell you what the temperature is, but it'll move you to the temperature you need to get to.
- Kevin McCarthy
Image of Kevin McCarthy
Every sandwich I sold, the city got more sales tax, the state got more. But they came in and they would want to give me a ticket because I have a sign outside trying to get more business, right?
- Kevin McCarthy