
Image of Kerli
It would be selfish to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I'm always toting my laptop and chargers and other essential goodies around with me everywhere I go... and I've got to have a totally killer bag to hold it all!
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
One doesn't have to just roll over once the wrinkles show: that's when I think one should really start living it up... the lessons are learned, the cities have been built, so one can finally go super cray!
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I think being vulnerable and real in the wolrd of fakeness is the bravest thing a person can do.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I have an extremely tight, extremely big family, and I love them so much it's almost painful.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I know someone might look at a creative person's job and think it's pretty fun. It is. It's the best thing in the world, but it's also extremely challenging to carve out your own completely unique path and not following a default path that someone else has already paved.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
L.A. is a very illusory place. You don't really know who your friends are here because more often than not, it seems like it's just about getting ahead at any cost.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
My favorite form of meditation is breathwork - if you're crazy like me and find it hard to sit still, you should try it.
- Kerli