
Image of Kerli
The overall vision for 'Utopia' was somewhat of a mix between fantasy, future, and ancient China. All of it soaked in a pastel space sauce to capture the uber positive energy of the music.
- Kerli
Collection: Positive
Image of Kerli
Your life is your canvas, and you are the masterpiece. There are a million ways to be kind, amazing, fabulous, creative, bold, and interesting.
- Kerli
Collection: Amazing
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It's just so nice when your pet isn't all needy. I need a lot of space, so dogs suffocate me.
- Kerli
Collection: Pet
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You can hit the lowest low and face the darkest dark, but you can always get back up and get in the light. All of this is what actually makes life worth living.
- Kerli
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Don't be scared to fly high, 'cause it will inspire others.
- Kerli
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I love graveyards. To some, it might sound morbid, but there's nothing dark about the natural cycles of life, really.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
It's a conscious decision, a full-time job, to be happy.
- Kerli
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I really like mugwort. It's a witch plant and a purifier of energy. It's considered to be very important and powerful in the Celtic and Scandinavian tradition.
- Kerli
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When I was 13 and looking for my identity, I was obsessed with hippies.
- Kerli
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I always do my own makeup, hair, and styling, including in videos and on, like, album covers.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I don't want to just make music. My only problem is that there are 24 hours in a day and that I have one of me.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
When I first started writing music, it was all really angry, angst-y lyrics. But then there was a point where I realized that people are clearly listening to what I have to say, so if I have the power to bring somebody up, why would I bring them down?
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
On 'Utopia,' I mix sick beats with ethereal elements while trying to keep the focus very much on the songwriting. If you strip any of these songs down to just the vocal and a piano, there's a real song in there.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I started writing books and making clothes for my dolls when I was around 10 as a way of making my reality exciting. When I went out to play with friends, I always arranged elaborate sets and costumes.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
When I left Estonia, I was 16. I just wanted to leave; I wanted to see the world so much.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I come from a very dysfunctional family, so I was comfortable in misery. So I would create more misery for myself because I didn't know anything else.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I want to inspire people with my story and make them see that however bad they're feeling, they can always overcome it.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
One day, I'll be a crazy old lady with long rainbow hair living in the woods. I will have a rad tree house with tons of rooms for people to come over, recharge, and make art.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
It's easy to fall into victim mode and feel like the world is against you. The truth is, people aren't against you: they're just for themselves. The only thing within your control is how you react and respond to the chaotic dance of life.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I grew up in a small town in the woods of Estonia, and there was not much else around me besides nature. It was stunning, but I dreamt of meeting eccentric people and going exciting places. Music became my escape. I thought if I got good enough, I could leave.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
Bubblegoth is about putting things together that don't necessarily go together.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
You don't have to be a Kerli fan to be a Moon Child, and you don't have to be a Moon Child to be a Kerli fan. You just have to make the best of what you have and have compassion for yourself and for others always.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
There's no separation anymore between who I am and what I create.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I come from a very small place in Eastern Europe, so my whole life has kind of been one big fight to live my dream against all odds. But I think it's hard to be a human in general - we all have our own struggles and things to overcome. That's why it's so important to always have compassion.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I got a classical piano training when I was little, and we also had music study lessons where we'd have to listen to a lot of classical music.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I grew up in a town - it was so small that I was like, 'There's absolutely no way that I'm going to stay here and live the kind of life that everybody else does.'
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I'm really, really into the rave scene and just kind of how people come together and how it's just music and just love.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I call myself 'Bubblegoth.' I'm really into the goth and industrial stuff, but also the cute and rave-ish stuff, so I'm trying to put it all together.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
Being a Moon Child is about believing in integrity, love, and unity.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
The way creative people live is different from people who don't do anything creative.
- Kerli
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I like when life feels playful.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I personally run my social media, so I read all the messages. I get amazing messages. I try to respond as much as possible. Slow, but steady.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
People generalize music by how you look, and I don't like that.
- Kerli
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I learned about this talent show on TV that was basically the Estonian version of 'American Idol.' So I lied about my age, went on the show, and won. I think my story is about working really hard and dreaming really big.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I feel like, Estonia, the sky is so low, and the people are much more close-minded than in America. So when I came to the U.S., I had a massive explosion of creativity and felt like I could do basically anything I want.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I shop everywhere. I love to shop online.Ebay is like heaven for me.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I am obsessed with people that are obsessed with what they do.
- Kerli
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I try to make sure I get decent sleep cause I'm not a very fun person to be around at all if I haven't slept.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I love science.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I wrote 'Love Is Dead' when I was a super-depressed teenager.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
One should have strength and courage to follow their own truth, speak their own language, fulfill their own dreams.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
When you feel fulfilled, you feel happy - You feel love. When it comes to love, you always come first. If you don't love yourself, you can't truly love anyone else, either. I always tell myself to stay in love.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
Once everyone feels love within them, we can start spreading it and connecting to other people that are love-minded.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I do promotion because I want to do art. I don't do the art because I want to be famous.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I know that my energy falls and rises with the phases of the moon. I rest in the winter. I wake up at my own pace, and I blossom in the summer. Life is supposed to be a natural process.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I really want to go to school for herbalism. Healing plants - that's a really big passion for me.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
I left home when I was 16 years old, and I've been living all around the world honing my craft. I lived in L.A. for eight years, then Stockholm, London, and New York.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
My fashion icons range from bubblegum pop princesses to grunge queens.
- Kerli
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There is no other artist who I admire and love as much as I love Bjork.
- Kerli
Image of Kerli
Finding out about Bjork was like finding out about some rare and magical thing that I had never encountered living where I was living at the time, being surrounded by the people I was surrounded by.
- Kerli