Kelvin Fletcher

Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Night shoots are great. They always feel quite mischievous and naughty because you're out working while everyone else is in bed.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've gone through my adolescence on TV so it's pretty cringey when I look back on some pictures and scenes, but that's part and parcel of being a child actor and growing up.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Because I enjoy training, obviously what comes with that is if you haven't been training, or you're not feeling like you're in great shape, then the last thing you want to do, like anyone, is to be seen by millions half naked.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It's always nice to hear nice things, but I don't suddenly go out and think I'm the best thing since sliced bread.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I am pretty quiet, and people say I'm shy.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It's funny how you can say performing is in the blood, and if I'm considered a performer being an actor, then it's certainly in the blood.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
There's no one who puts more pressure on me than myself.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I don't want to let anyone down and I don't want to let myself down.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It's always nice to get a storyline - I know all actors say that, but it genuinely is, as it feels like the show's team are putting their faith in you to do it justice, so it's quite a compliment.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It's been good and a nice chance to work with some great actors and actresses - Natalie Anderson, Jeff Hordley, Emma Atkins, Charley Webb and Dominic Power.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Emmerdale' is a great place to work and I genuinely wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've had a couple of storylines in the past that have never been done by a soap before, which is nice.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've always had aspirations to play other characters, but over the years I've always felt so happy and so challenged at 'Emmerdale.'
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I left it entirely in the hands of the 'Emmerdale' team and had no input into how Andy would leave. I put my full trust in them to come up with a way for him to leave that was fitting for the character.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've always enjoyed the big stunt scenes that I've had - from the barn fire when I first started in 'Emmerdale,' to years later when Victoria started a fire and Andy had to rescue people.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I want to continue to be challenged and feel a sense of fulfilment, like I have over the years at 'Emmerdale.' I've got aspirations to do other genres and I'm really keen to play a different character, whether it's in comedy or action, and just do something that's completely different.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I know very little about farming!
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
What was weird, as a 12-year-old actor, was being expected to behave like an adult while still being treated as a kid everywhere else.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It was only when I got to 21 that my personality started coming out a little bit more.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I probably eat about 300-350g of carbs a day. About 160g of protein, about 60-80g of fat, which I think is about 2,500-3,000 calories.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Carbs get a bad press, but they're pretty important.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I suddenly received a call from my agent offering me the chance to do 'Strictly' and I had to make the decision within an hour or two. I was doing a different job towards the end of the year so I had to change my plans, but it was a no-brainer.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I spend most of my time at home dancing with my daughter to things like 'Frozen' and 'The Greatest Showman.'
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've very much moved on and I want to pursue other things. I've done 'Emmerdale,' I wanted to move on and do other things.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I knew I wanted to marry Liz the day I met her. Deep down I knew she was The One.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
My dancing idol is my dad. Growing up watching him dance to Northern Soul I used to think 'He looks cool.'
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
As an actor, you always have aspirations to play different roles.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I felt that as an actor I continued to excel and felt really comfortable and confident in myself that I wanted to at least give it a go and picture myself doing other things. It was testament to 'Emmerdale' that they gave me the confidence and creativity to pursue other challenges.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I think what 'Emmerdale' are excited about is that my exit storyline is the catalyst for other storylines for characters like Chrissie and Lawrence.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I won an award when I was 15 and my mum and dad were very proud and so was I but for me, individual things like that aren't as significant as I have been part of so much and there were weeks and months of hard work building up to those pinnacle moments and they can be full of moments of pride.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Liz knows me, she's known me since I was eight-years-old, and we're very happily married. And don't forget, she's watched me kiss numerous actresses on 'Emmerdale.'
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Emmerdale' is and always will be in my DNA.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
With the waltz, especially the Viennese Waltz, it looks so beautiful and effortless and flows.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
It's dead flattering, isn't it? I have got a big gay following. I actually find it more flattering when a bloke comes on to you than a woman. I've even found myself flirting back sometimes!
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I find it funny that I'm a pin-up.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I'm like most people. I keep fit for myself. I'm not religious about it but I like to get to the gym whenever I can.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
When I'm out and about, I never get chatted up by women in an obvious way.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I missed out on the crash course that everyone else gets on 'Strictly' on every dance form.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Keep hydrated: I drink at least 4 litres of water a day.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I'll spend about an hour and a half working out: mobility, activate whatever muscles, a full-body session every time, some full-body exercises and some upper-body exercises.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I was eight years old and I was playing rugby for my local club.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
Yeah I had the poof thing before the acting because I did ballet.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I always liked dancing and you'd go to class and find you had an hour acting and an hour of ballet.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
In many ways 'Emmerdale' is a huge part of my life but in many ways it's not. I've always had so many interests elsewhere - family and friends and other interests away from that.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
If I cry on telly, I'm genuinely crying. If it's a gritty scene it can come naturally.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Collection: Cry
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
People forget I started on TV as a 7-stone 12-year-old - I'm bound to have changed. I've just grown up and filled out. I haven't been hammering it in the gym, and I haven't been thinking, 'Right, I need to look good.'
- Kelvin Fletcher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I suppose when some people see you on TV, they expect you to be this flamboyant, champagne-drinking stud. But I'm not like that.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Collection: Drinking
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
If I thought someone was just chatting me up because of being on TV, it'd kill me.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Collection: Tvs
Image of Kelvin Fletcher
I've never had knickers or marriage proposals. Most of my fans are blokes serving life in jail, troubled kids, and a lot of gay guys. I never get the mid-20s, beautiful women fanbase.
- Kelvin Fletcher
Collection: Beautiful