Katie Melua

Image of Katie Melua
I wouldn't really call myself a Jazz singer I think it's offending to real Jazz singers to call me a Jazz singer.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
Norway, for some reason, I find Norway really fascinating, you really feel nature in that country. And then there is somewhere like Japan, which is the most interesting culturally because their whole psychology, how they think is so different to us and how I've grown up.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
Of course, I like to keep my private life, private.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
I'm not a huge fan of Las Vegas. It's a fun place to go to play a bit of poker but it's so man-made. And being quite environmentally conscious, I couldn't believe the amount of neon lighting in the city.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
I spend eight to nine months working abroad and cram in a holiday when I have the odd week off.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
When I'm working, I'll often be upgraded to a suite though I don't ask for preferential treatment. I'll be there with a tour manager, my band and various promotions people and the hotel will offer to upgrade one of us; luckily, it's usually me.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
Buying books is probably my biggest vice when I travel.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
I think singing is such an important and incredible art form and it is quite undervalued at times.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
Children are resilient - they can always find a way to play.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
I moved schools seven or eight times, but I never thought of it as a problem. I didn't become attached to people.
- Katie Melua
Image of Katie Melua
Dancing is an important function of music, but so is crying.
- Katie Melua
Collection: Dancing
Image of Katie Melua
The last verse [In My Secret Life] completely got to me, about how we all have great ideals but in reality we end up conforming, following everyone else. We want to be stronger so we lead that life inside, thinking of ourselves as these great brave souls. I literally thought when I was 15 that I was a musical genius and I could change the world, but in fact you're not and you can't and you don't, and that realisation is almost heartbreaking.
- Katie Melua
Collection: Reality
Image of Katie Melua
I do know that there are some things that exist in this world that you just can't prove. That could be the case with God or whoever might be up there, but I don't follow any one religion.
- Katie Melua
Collection: World
Image of Katie Melua
The Brits was an amazing place to get a broad musical education. But I never really thought I was going to be a singer because there was always someone better than me in my class.
- Katie Melua
Collection: Class
Image of Katie Melua
The second album was like being on a completely different planet compared to when we were making the first album. ... Even though it was the same musicians, the same artist, the same studio, the same producer, - it felt like a completely different piece of a puzzle.
- Katie Melua
Collection: Artist
Image of Katie Melua
I've never had paparazzi follow me and I rarely get recognised. I dress like a tramp when I'm not working. My hairdresser calls me the Romanian window cleaner. That's just the way I am.
- Katie Melua
Collection: Dresses
Image of Katie Melua
I get guilty when I spend money on silly things like clothes and stuff. Having experienced a completely different extreme of wealth, and I don't mean me being poor or rich, I mean knowing that 40 quid that gets spent on a pair of shoes could go a long way for a family in Georgia for a week or even a month, having experienced that, you're a bit more [guilty].
- Katie Melua
Collection: Silly