Kate Winslet

Image of Kate Winslet
I kept my head; I mean, I've never been one of those people who ended up in the gutter with sick in my hair.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think there's a lot of pressure on young people to really be the thing that everyone is telling them that they are, opposed to discovering it for themselves.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I like to do my own make-up.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
With a bright-red party lipstick, just go with lots of mascara and keep everything else clean.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Sure, I could have lots of people who do the cooking, the driving, all that jazz - but I would be unhappy. I wouldn't want my children raised that way.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
The happiness I feel in having a family has brought me a real beauty.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
There's always going to be a part of me that worries about not looking as slim as other actresses.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Jane Campion is a tough director.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
To back away from fear is the worst thing you can do. Fear shows.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
If I'm going to change, my life and experiences should change me for the wiser and more profound.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Marriage has made me safer.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Mildred Pierce was capable of great acts of love as a mother.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
When I first met Alan, I was absolutely terrified. I was 19, he was Alan Rickman, and he's got that voice, and I remember meeting him in the hair and make-up trailer and thinking, 'I'm going to die. He thinks I'm rubbish. Why am I here?'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think it's very important to teach your children to struggle on some level.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I do have impossibly high standards.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't really do simple. I'm not really interested in simple at the end of the day, because nothing's ever simple, and nothing's ever perfect. People certainly aren't - I would hope, anyway, because that would be boring, wouldn't it?
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
No one can look bad when you've been lit for six hours.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I was living in my lovely little two-bedroom flat in north London... and suddenly, I couldn't just walk down the street and buy a pint of milk.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Mothers who work full time - they're the real heroes.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
My children can't see many of the films that I've been in because I'm always either dying or taking my clothes off.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Jim Cameron is a feisty man and a perfectionist, but also absolutely brilliant.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't own copies of my own movies.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I am insecure. If you ask me, everybody is.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Love to me, God, this is so difficult... To me, love is when you meet that person and you think, 'This is it, this is who I'm supposed to be with.'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
You know why I fear people's judgment? Because I know they're judging. I know they are.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
The things that make me happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner; big family gatherings; and being able to go to the grocery store - if I can get those things in, I'm doing good.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I love the routine. I love getting up in the morning and getting breakfast and packing lunches and doing the school run. Those things are really important to me. Because I think that those small but key moments are crucial for a kid.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I resent that there is an image of perfection that is getting thinner and thinner. I've got a lovely husband and children, and I didn't lose weight to find those things.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I've never left them to go do a film. No, we all go together. I could never leave them. My kids are my whole world.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
When I think about somebody like Keira Knightley, whom I don't particularly know, I see somebody who is working hard, really trying to challenge herself and make smart choices in spite of people criticising her size and performances.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
In films I might look glamorous, but I've been in hair and make-up for two hours.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Oh, I had, 'No one will ever fancy me!' I had that well into my teens. Even now I do not consider myself to be some kind of great, sexy beauty. I don't mind the way I'm ageing. No reason to panic just yet. I think I look my age, and that's fine.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
The experience of making a movie is far removed from watching the end result. It's exciting, but it still makes me squirm.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I love to cook. I could never give that up.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Real luxury is having the time to read endless stories in bed with my children. And I get that all the time. I'm so blessed.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
My job as the actress playing Hanna Schmitz, as the actress playing any part, is to understand the character, and to ultimately love the character. And I did love Hanna, absolutely, because I understood her as profoundly as I did at the end of the day.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I have always lived an ordinary life, and always will. It's who and what has to do with my job that makes it 'unordinary.' I cook, go to the supermarket, pick my children up at school.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Honestly, among my acquaintances there is no woman wearing XS.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Every woman has a mother, and every woman will have an issue with that mother and things that mother did or didn't do. It just depends on how you choose to process the lessons that you learned from your own mother.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I was suddenly really famous, and I didn't know how to cope. I didn't know myself well enough as a person, number one, and as an actor, number two. I wanted to escape.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I never had crushes on anybody when I was younger; I really didn't.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Guy Pearce played Mike in 'Neighbors'. I would fake illness to stay off school and watch the one P.M. show, and I would also watch it again when it was repeated at 5:25 P.M. Obsessed.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
As a woman, especially when you have children, one gets so good at soldiering on - almost too good.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Those days of every child having a mummy and daddy who lived at home - Daddy went to work, and Mummy stayed at home and took care of everyone - those days have almost gone, and it's so much more unconventional now.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I have always wanted my children's dads to be involved in their lives. Not just the day-to-day aspect, but the emotional shifts that they go through, when little things pop up - they need to be included, absolutely, and for the children to feel that they are.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Experiencing those moments of being alone... is a very, very weird flooring and exposing position to be in when you're just not used to it... But I've never been lonely. And with my kids Mia and Joe that remains the case.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
One of the reasons I've never done intensive psychotherapy or any of that stuff is that if there's anything in me that needs fixing, I want to know that I can rely on my own intuition to fix it.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't know... part of, I suppose, my way out of everything, has been really taking care of myself. I think that comes from an awareness that my children really need me, and they need me to be the healthiest version of myself that I can possibly be.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I will tell you that when I was heavy, people would say to me - and it was such a backhanded compliment - they would say, 'You've got such a beautiful face,' in the way of, like, 'Oh, isn't it a shame that from the neck down you're questionable.'
- Kate Winslet