Kate Pierson

Image of Kate Pierson
It takes incredible fortitude to keep on the road, even though it's fun and it's rewarding and you can't complain - it's just a great life - but, you know, it takes a lot of energy.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
There's this whole split personality thing of being a farm girl and a rock and roll girl.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
I think there are certain genres of music where people are allowed to go on, but there is something about rock and roll, I guess because it originally started out to be a teenage rebellion.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
'Love Shack' is such an eternal kind of song; at karaoke, people do it.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
In a band with humor, it's easy to be a caricature, especially when you've been around as long as we have. But we sing those songs as genuine as we can, always from the heart. When we do the fish sounds in 'Rock Lobster,' Cindy and I are pouring our hearts out.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
We have quite a few political songs: 'Channel Z,' let's 'Keep This Party Going' on. Our lyrics aren't too hit-you-over-the-head, but they have political undertones. We're active politically.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
We do benefits for various groups. But the main reason to be B-52's is to have fun and party and go nuts.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
At some private events, we'll see the CEO of the company get up and do his 'Rock Lobster' dance. The band used to grumble that, 'All they talk about is hair and don't take us seriously,' but I've realized that what this band does the best is let loose and let people's freak flag fly.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
We all maintained our connections and our friendships, which we've maintained over all these years. We still like each other, love each other, and we realize that this was a way to heal and a way to really bring Ricky back into the mix. I think a lot of the songs recalled that time in Athens with Ricky.
- Kate Pierson
Image of Kate Pierson
There's a whole split personality thing of being a farm girl and a rock and roll girl.
- Kate Pierson
Collection: Girl
Image of Kate Pierson
I think being in a place where there is nothing happening is very inspiring because you have to make your own fun, you are not reliant on imitating any other bands.
- Kate Pierson
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate Pierson
It takes incredible fortitude to keep on the road, even though it's fun and it's rewarding and you can't complain, it's just a great life, but it takes a lot of energy.
- Kate Pierson
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate Pierson
Every time you read something about Rolling Stones it always mentions their age and how long can they go on? I think there are certain genres of music where people are allowed to go on, but there is something about rock and roll, I guess because it originally started out to be a teenage rebellion.
- Kate Pierson
Collection: Teenage