Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
An aphorism ought to be entirely isolated from the surrounding world like a little work of art and complete in itself like a hedgehog.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Whoever does not philosophize for the sake of philosophy, but rather uses philosophy as a means, is a sophist.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Irony is a clear consciousness of an eternal agility, of the infinitely abundant chaos.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Every uneducated person is a caricature of himself.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Religion is absolutely unfathomable. Always and everywhere one can dig more deeply into infinities.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Morality without a sense of paradox is mean.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Wit as an instrument of revenge is as infamous as art is as a means of sensual titillation.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
It is peculiar to mankind to transcend mankind.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Reason is mechanical, wit chemical, and genius organic spirit.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
When reason and unreason come into contact, an electrical shock occurs. This is called polemics.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The main thing is to know something and to say it.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
About no subject is there less philosophizing than about philosophy.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
There is no self-knowledge but an historical one. No one knows what he himself is who does not know his fellow men, especially the most prominent one of the community, the master's master, the genius of the age.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Every complete man has his genius. True virtue is genius.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
All the classical genres are now ridiculous in their rigorous purity.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Irony is the form of paradox. Paradox is what is good and great at the same time.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Think of something finite molded into the infinite, and you think of man.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
What is lost in the good or excellent translation is precisely the best.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Eternal life and the invisible world are only to be sought in God. Only within Him do all spirits dwell. He is an abyss of individuality, the only infinite plenitude.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
What men are among the other formations of the earth, artists are among men.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Novels tend to end as the Paternoster begins: with the kingdom of God on earth.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
A critic is a reader who ruminates. Thus, he should have more than one stomach.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The German national character is a favorite subject of character experts, probably because the less mature a nation, the more she is an object of criticism and not of history.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Many a witty inspiration is like the surprising reunion of befriended thoughts after a long separation.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The genuine priest always feels something higher than compassion.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The historian is a prophet looking backward.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
As the ancient commander addressed his soldiers before battle, so should the moralist speak to men in the struggle of the era.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Like Leibniz's possible worlds, most men are only equally entitled pretenders to existence. There are few existences.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Duty is for Kant the One and All. Out of the duty of gratitude, he claims, one has to defend and esteem the ancients; and only out of duty has he become a great man.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Art and works of art do not make an artist; sense and enthusiasm and instinct do.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
There are writers in Germany who drink the Absolute like water; and there are books in which even the dogs make references to the Infinite.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Witty inspirations are the proverbs of the educated.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Nothing is more witty and grotesque than ancient mythology and Christianity; that is because they are so mystical.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
One can only become a philosopher, but not be one. As one believes he is a philosopher, he stops being one.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Plato's philosophy is a dignified preface to future religion.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
No idea is isolated, but is only what it is among all ideas.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
What is called good society is usually nothing but a mosaic of polished caricatures.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Mysteries are feminine; they like to veil themselves but still want to be seen and divined.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Considered subjectively, philosophy always begins in the middle, like an epic poem.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Religion and morals are symmetrically opposed, just like poetry and philosophy.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Life is writing. The sole purpose of mankind is to engrave the thoughts of divinity onto the tablets of nature.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Original love never appears in pure form, but in manifold veils and shapes, such as confidence, humility, reverence, serenity, asfaithfulness and modesty, as gratefulness; but primarily as longing and wistful melancholy.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Humility
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Laziness is the one divine fragment of a godlike existence left to man from paradise.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Men
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
True love should be, according to its origin, entirely arbitrary and entirely accidental at the same time; it should seem both necessary and free; in keeping with its nature, however, it should be both destiny and virtue and appear as a mystery and a miracle.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Destiny
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The meanest authors have at least this similarity with the great author of heaven and earth, that they usually say after a completed day of work: "And behold, what he had done was good.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Creativity
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
One should have wit, but not wish to have it; otherwise there will be witticism, the Alexandrian style of wit.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Should Have
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
A genuinely free and educated man should be able to tune himself, as one tunes a musical instrument, absolutely arbitrarily, at his convenience at any time and to any degree, philosophically or philologically, critically or poetically, historically or rhetorically, in ancient or modern form.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Education
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The naive which is simultaneously beautiful, poetic, and idealistic, must be both intention and instinct. The essence of intention, in this sense, is freedom. Consciousness is far from intention. There is a certain enamoured contemplation of one's own naturalness or silliness which itself is unspeakably silly. Intention does not necessarily require a profound calculation or plan.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
All the great truths are basically trivial and so we have to find new ways, preferably paradoxical ways, of expressing them, in order to keep them from falling into oblivion.
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Fall
Image of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
God the father, and even more often the devil himself, appears at times in the place of fate in the modern tragedy. Why is it thatthis has not induced any scholar to develop a theory of the diabolical genre?
- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Collection: Father