Junior dos Santos

Image of Junior dos Santos
What I really want is to keep myself active.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
If I wanted to eat all the protein I need from food, I would have to eat something like 10 chickens per day. That is impossible.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
I'm chasing my goals, and I haven't been able to make things happen the way I want them to happen. It doesn't feel good, but the answer is simple: I just have to work hard and to focus on cutting down the number of mistakes I make.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
Winning is the most important thing, especially in this sport, because when you lose in this sport, it's very hard because you go back, and you have to rebuild your chances to fight for the title.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
He puts on a great show every time he fights, so I enjoy seeing Mark Hunt fighting, and I'm glad he's still fighting; he's 44 and still fighting in a high performance, so it's good to see someone like this always putting on a great show and giving us, MMA fans, these great fights.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
My coach used to tell me I've got pretty heavy hands, so I try to use them at the start of the fight because it's a good time to use my power because I'm 100% in the moment.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
It's very unusual for me to take a punch.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
Forget about jiu-jitsu and wrestling - I'm a boxing guy.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
I'm always thinking to myself about getting the belt back.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
What's the point of fighting in the UFC if it isn't to become the champion?
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
I like Katy Perry.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
I love Adele.
- Junior dos Santos
Image of Junior dos Santos
When you believe in something and you are a good person, good things happen.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Believe
Image of Junior dos Santos
I never will give up.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Junior dos Santos
It's my job to beat whoever the UFC puts in front of me. I don't really care who it is. Whoever they put in front of me, I will just try to go out and beat them.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Junior dos Santos
When you first start to do jiu-jitsu everyone has the goal of being a black belt. You want to be great at everything you do.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Goal
Image of Junior dos Santos
If you are nice, nice things happen to you.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Nice