Joss Stone

Image of Joss Stone
Madonna's not the best singer in the world, but she was awesome with her entertainment and all of her shock tactics and stuff and that's where it began. She then inspired all sorts of other girls to do that. But I don't know, I just think music's kind of important too. So you've gotta know where that line is especially when you are good at singing.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Girl
Image of Joss Stone
People will download the music for free and they'll pay for it if they want to give you a compliment. They don't have to pay for it. And the only way the artist can make money was by touring 'cause the record label didn't take that money. Unfortunately now, cause the record company's not making money from the downloads, now they want to take money away from everything.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Artist
Image of Joss Stone
If I was a person that felt success is money, and for some people it is, I won't yuck someone's yum - if that's your thing, that's your thing. Go for it. Make as much money as you can. I don't care. Not my thing. My thing is something else. So I don't miss that. At all. Who needs it? How much money do you really need?
- Joss Stone
Collection: People
Image of Joss Stone
As a singer, I've always said, "Yes, I smoke weed," when I'm asked. Of course I say yes, because why wouldn't I smoke weed? There are many reasons not to, though not that many compared to the reasons to do it. I've always been open about it ... but people go, "Hippie! No, not listening to you," and I think that's a bloody shame.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Weed
Image of Joss Stone
It's nice to know that you're worth something and music really does put that kind of light back into you. Well, it does for me anyway. I've been through some very interesting times in my life and there is certain songs that I go to and I'm like, ok, it's not that bad.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Song
Image of Joss Stone
I like to make sure I don't sing songs that are like self hating and feeling sorry for yourself 'cause that's not the kind of legacy I want to leave really. I want people to feel like strength, especially young women.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Song
Image of Joss Stone
I really love art and I always have in every single different form and I just hope that I'm able to give some art that will touch some people and help them to be more positive and stronger.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Art
Image of Joss Stone
The recession is everywhere. We need to be heard. Wouldn't it be great if there could be more referendums so we could have regular voting on specific points?
- Joss Stone
Collection: Voting
Image of Joss Stone
My family fight, that's the way it is. We're not common as muck or anything but we do have a little fight now and then.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joss Stone
I've got a checklist of things I want - including a Brit, a Grammy, an Oscar and a white poodle. Sometimes it gets lonely, and I want a baby too! I'm ticking things off the list.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Baby