Joseph Story

Image of Joseph Story
Human wisdom is the aggregate of all human experience, constantly accumulating, and selecting, and re-organizing its own materials.
- Joseph Story
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Joseph Story
Men, to act with vigour and effect, must have time to mature measures, and judgment and experience, as to the best method of applying them. They must not be hurried on to their conclusions by the passions, or the fears of the multitude. They must deliberate, as well as resolve.
- Joseph Story
Collection: Passion
Image of Joseph Story
Here shall the Press the People's right maintain, Unaw'd by influence and unbrib'd by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pledg'd to Religion, Liberty, and Law.
- Joseph Story
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Story
[The necessary and proper clause] neither enlarges any power specifically granted; nor is it a grant of any new power to Congress; But it is merely a declaration, for the removal of all uncertainty, that the means of carrying into execution those otherwise granted are included in the grant.
- Joseph Story
Collection: Mean