Johnny Paycheck

Image of Johnny Paycheck
If you like me, you like me like I am.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Take Glen Campbell. Now, Glen's real soft. By that, I mean you put him on the street and he couldn't make it. But if you know that about him ahead of time, you don't hold it against him. In his heart, he's a good man. I like him.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I was dangerous mean from the time I was about 16 until I was 30.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
It's hard to explain how you feel after 27 years, when you finally hit big.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm sort of a hard-nose at times.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
In my earlier days I was really, you know, rugged.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm not much of a talker.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Seems like I've always been my own worst enemy.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I stayed mad at the world when I was young. It wasn't temper, it was attitude.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
You know, being impatient is the worst lick for somebody young, especially in this business.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Always go hard and fast enough so that when you hit the ditch you can pull out the other side.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Sides
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm a man who believes that right is right and wrong is wrong. Treat me right, and I will give you my all. Treat me wrong, and I will give you nothing. They don't like me for that, but that's the way I am.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Johnny Paycheck
To me, an outlaw is a man that did things his own way, whether you liked him or not. I did things my own way.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Men
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm the only hell my Mama ever raised.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Family
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Take this job and shove it, I ain't working here no more.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Jobs