Johnny Paycheck

Image of Johnny Paycheck
I happen to think I'm a damn good singer and people come to see me sing, not because of my background.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Good
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I started bumming around when I was a teen.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Teen
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Hopelessness is the seed of crime. If every man had a goal and some hope for reaching it, we could really reduce crime.
- Johnny Paycheck
Collection: Hope
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm a man who believes that right is right and wrong is wrong.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
To me, an 'outlaw' is a man that did things his own way, whether you liked him or not.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I know what it's like to be a loser.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Most people are dissatisfied with their bag, they work hard to get a damn raise. Inflation eats it up. They're locked into the whole system.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've been up and down like a window blind.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I worked all my life to get to the penthouse and there ain't nothin' there.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Treat me right, and I will give you my all. Treat me wrong, and I will give you nothing.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
If I had it to do over again, I think I'd do about the same thing.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
This world is full of people that want you to do things their way, not necessarily the way you want to do it. I did things my way.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Billy Sherrill is the master to me, and I enjoyed every minute working with him.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I do have a temper... me and millions of others.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm basically a pretty level-headed guy.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Well, I'd like to be remembered by all my work, instead of one song. But a lot of times you get tagged that way.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I think my best times were in the seventies, when I made the comeback. Then there was '76, when 'Shove It' came along.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Life isn't all good stuff.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Yeah, Paycheck's an outlaw. The pilgrims were outlaws, too, y'know. They wanted to do it their way. An outlaw is someone who believes in himself and doesn't give a damn what others think.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
There are too many overlooked workers out there in America. They deserve more credit.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I learned a lot about the educational system, and what not having it does to you.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've seen more than a few singers sleep their way through their medleys; if you're going to do them like you're sleeping, why bother?
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've been lucky to have a good reputation with writers. My strongest suit is that of an interpreter, so it's important for me to get ahold of the best material available. It doesn't always come from Nashville either; there are guys all around the country hitting the nail on the head.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've always tried to keep an eye on where my bread is buttered and if you don't have a song you can sink your teeth into, you're in trouble.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I like Joe Diffie, Alan Jackson and Travis Tritt, who I think sounds a bit like me.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
My music's always been about life. And situations. Situation comedies, situation life.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I think my best times were in the '70s, when I made the comeback. Then there was 1976, when 'Shove It' came along.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
When people don't understand something, they condemn it. That's what's happened to me. They've condemned me without taking time to understand me.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Hank Williams was my idol. He was the first real, wonderful outlaw individual in the business.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'll try anything once to see if I like it. And if I like it, I'll stick with it no matter what anybody says. I won't do something that will hurt somebody else, but I'll do what I damn well please. If something makes me feel good, I'll do it.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I'm a Gemini, an adventurer.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
My dad taught me that if you're gonna be ashamed of something, then don't do it.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I think some of my greatest creative stuff was in the 1960s, but I think the most commercial stuff, things that made a lot of sense for the time, was the CBS stuff.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I sing about the little guy that has been kicked around.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
When you live a good, clean life things really pay off for you.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Johnny Paycheck is no different than anybody.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
It doesn't matter to me where I play, as long as I pack it.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've got one speed. Wide open.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I sing as hard for 10 as I do for 10,000.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I was a pretty wild kid, I guess.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Yeah, I like acting. I'd like to do more of it. I want to do it all.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've spent my life just travelling and singing for beer or money or whatever.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I've never held a real job in my life. I've always just looked for a place to stay. And if I didn't find it, I'd sleep in the streets.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I guess I'm pretty hard headed and stubborn.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I just stand up for my beliefs. And what I believe in is me.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I like President Carter; I think he has done a good job considering all the things he's had to face.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Women have asked for equal rights, and I think having equal rights means sharing all the responsibilities of our country. Now, I'm not saying all women would make good soldiers on the frontline, but I know some who would make better soldiers than some men.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I think 'Shove It' hit at a time when people felt trapped in a dull, day-to-day job and rather than express their dislike, they let my song do it for them.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
Any musician will tell you they have played for free just because they wanted an audience and a chance to play.
- Johnny Paycheck
Image of Johnny Paycheck
I sing about things that have always been and always will be.
- Johnny Paycheck