John Wooden

Image of John Wooden
The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.
- John Wooden
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Wooden
What is right is more important than who is right.
- John Wooden
Collection: Important
Image of John Wooden
We're not all equal as far as intelligence is concerned. We're not equal as far as size. We're not all equal as far as appearance. We do not all have the same opportunities. We're not born in the same environments, but we're all absolutely equal in having the opportunity to make the most of what we have and not comparing or worrying about what others have.
- John Wooden
Collection: Opportunity
Image of John Wooden
A player who makes a team great is more valuable than a great player. Losing yourself in the group, for the good of the group - that's teamwork.
- John Wooden
Collection: Teamwork
Image of John Wooden
You must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.
- John Wooden
Collection: Wrestling
Image of John Wooden
If you spend too much time learning the 'tricks' of the trade, you may not learn the trade. There are no shortcuts. If you're working on finding a short cut, the easy way, you're not working hard enough on the fundamentals. You may get away with it for a spell, but there is no substitute for the basics. And the first basic is good, old fashioned hard work.
- John Wooden
Collection: Hard Work
Image of John Wooden
How hard you work at correcting your faults reveals your character.
- John Wooden
Collection: Character
Image of John Wooden
The true athlete should have character, not be a character
- John Wooden
Collection: Basketball
Image of John Wooden
A leader’s most powerful ally is his or her own example.
- John Wooden
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Wooden
I like to give opinions, not suggestions
- John Wooden
Collection: Giving
Image of John Wooden
Time lost is time lost. It’s gone forever. Some people tell themselves that they will work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for what they did not do today. People should always do their best. If they work twice as hard tomorrow, then they should have also worked twice as hard today. That would have been their best.
- John Wooden
Collection: Motivational
Image of John Wooden
You must have respect, which is a part of love, for those under your supervision. Then they will do what you ask and more.
- John Wooden
Collection: Basketball
Image of John Wooden
Apply yourself everyday to just becoming a little bit better.
- John Wooden
Collection: Everyday
Image of John Wooden
Once you become a good person, then you have a chance of becoming a good basketball player.
- John Wooden
Collection: Basketball
Image of John Wooden
Selfishness is the greatest challenge for a coach. Most players are more concerned with making themselves better than the team.
- John Wooden
Collection: Team
Image of John Wooden
Make a decision! Failure to act is often the biggest failure of all.
- John Wooden
Collection: Positivity
Image of John Wooden
Everything we know, we learned from someone else!
- John Wooden
Collection: Coaching
Image of John Wooden
In my opinion, being an effective leader requires being an effective listener. The most productive leaders are usually those who are consistently willing to listen and learn.
- John Wooden
Collection: Empathy
Image of John Wooden
I believe we are most likely to succeed when ambition is focused on noble and worthy purposes and outcomes rather than on goals set out of selfishness.
- John Wooden
Collection: Believe
Image of John Wooden
You may be better than the rest, but you are not a success until you have made the effort to become the best you can be.
- John Wooden
Collection: Effort
Image of John Wooden
Losing does not make you a failure; it is when you blame someone for losing when you become a failure
- John Wooden
Collection: Doe
Image of John Wooden
First be the best and then be first
- John Wooden
Collection: Firsts
Image of John Wooden
If I were ever prosecuted for my religion, I truly hope there would be enough evidence to convict me.
- John Wooden
Collection: Would Be
Image of John Wooden
As long as you try your best, you are never a failure. That is, unless you blame others.
- John Wooden
Collection: Art
Image of John Wooden
You can respect a person without necessarily liking that individual.
- John Wooden
Collection: Individual
Image of John Wooden
Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating...too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life.
- John Wooden
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Wooden
You should never try to be better than someone else, you should always be learning from others. But you should never cease trying to be the best you could be because that's under your control and the other isn't.
- John Wooden
Collection: Trying
Image of John Wooden
I never yelled at my players much. That would have been artificial stimulation, which doesn't last very long. I think it's like love and passion. Passion won't last as long as love. When you are dependent on passion, you need more and more of it to make it work. It's the same with yelling.
- John Wooden
Collection: Motivational
Image of John Wooden
Winning and losing aren't all they're cracked up to be, but the trip to the destination is.
- John Wooden
Collection: Teaching
Image of John Wooden
It's not what you teach, it's what you emphasize.
- John Wooden
Collection: Basketball
Image of John Wooden
Sincerity may not help us make friends, but it will help us keep them.
- John Wooden
Collection: May
Image of John Wooden
The purpose of discipline is not to punish, but to correct.
- John Wooden
Collection: Sports
Image of John Wooden
As a leader, you must be filled with energy and eagerness, joy and love for what you do. If you lack enthusiasm for your job, you cannot perform to the best of your ability. Industriousness is unattainable without Enthusiasm.
- John Wooden
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Wooden
Any structure must have a strong foundation. The cornerstones anchor the foundation. For some reason the cornerstones that I chose to begin with I never changed.
- John Wooden
Collection: Strong
Image of John Wooden
Forget favors given; remember those received.
- John Wooden
Collection: Favors
Image of John Wooden
Confidence comes from being prepared.
- John Wooden
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Wooden
While I made my living as a coach, I have lived my life to be a mentor-and to be mentored!-constantly.Everything in the world has been passed down. Every piece of knowledge is something that has been shared by someone else. If you understand it as I do, mentoring becomes your true legacy. It is the greatest inheritance you can give to others. It is why you get up every day-to teach and be taught.
- John Wooden
Collection: Giving
Image of John Wooden
Being true to ourselves doesn't make us people of integrity. Charles Manson was true to himself, and as a result, he rightly is spending the rest of his life in prison. Ultimately, being true to our Creator gives us the purest form of integrity.
- John Wooden
Collection: Integrity
Image of John Wooden
There is great joy in doing something for somebody else with no thought in receiving anything in return.
- John Wooden
Collection: Joy
Image of John Wooden
Every day, try to help someone who can't reciprocate your kindness.
- John Wooden
Collection: Kindness
Image of John Wooden
I've never stopped trying to do what's right. I'm not doing it to earn favor with God. I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do.
- John Wooden
Collection: Trying
Image of John Wooden
Make every day your masterpiece.
- John Wooden
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Wooden
Decisions are more apt to be accepted when you've listened to suggestions first. I wanted them to see the reason behind what I asked of them, not to do things just because I said so.
- John Wooden
Collection: Sports
Image of John Wooden
An effective leader develops the ability to correctly identify the pertinent detail or details - incidentals in a market, industry or sport that might create an incremental advantage.
- John Wooden
Collection: Sports
Image of John Wooden
The goal in life is the same as in basketball: make the effort to do the best you are capable of doing--in marriage, at your job, in the community, for your country. Make the effort to contribute in whatever way you can. You may do it materially or with time, ideas, or work. Making the effort to contribute is what counts. The effort is what counts in everything.
- John Wooden
Collection: Basketball
Image of John Wooden
There are little details in everything you do, and if you get away from any one of the little details, you're not teaching the thing as a whole. For it is little things which, together, make the whole. This, I think, is extremely important.
- John Wooden
Collection: Teaching
Image of John Wooden
You can lose when you outscore somebody in a game, and you can win when you're outscored.
- John Wooden
Collection: Motivation
Image of John Wooden
I believe correcting is the positive approach. I believe in the positive approach. Always have.
- John Wooden
Collection: Believe
Image of John Wooden
While you, the leader, can teach many things, character is not taught easily to adults who arrive at your desk lacking it. Be cautious about taking on reclamation projects regardless of the talent they may possess. Have the courage to make character count among the qualities you seek in others.
- John Wooden
Collection: Moving