John DeLorean

Image of John DeLorean
We were trying to build a car that would last, that had the quality of eternity.
- John DeLorean
Collection: Car
Image of John DeLorean
No great car was ever done by a group. Almost all the great cars in the world that you know about were individual efforts.
- John DeLorean
Collection: Car
Image of John DeLorean
Being an engineer is to live in a mean, bare prison cell and regard yourself the sovereign of limitless space... for each engineer has a magician in his soul.
- John DeLorean
Collection: Space
Image of John DeLorean
You know, every person has his price.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I enjoy the company of attractive women.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I've always had a tendency to associate with women who were dramatically less educated than I.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
Americans like to see a big guy get knocked off. But once he's down and everybody's got their shoes cleaned off on him, they like to see him rise back up, because he's become an underdog.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I was the youngest vice president General Motors ever had, I was the youngest group executive, the youngest head of Pontiac, the youngest chief engineer and the youngest head of Chevrolet.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
America is the center of personal and religious freedom. But America will disappear if we don't follow the Constitution.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
Foxhole conversions are legitimate. Most of them in the Bible happened that way. When everything you've ever wanted is happening, you're not inclined to reassess your priorities or to examine your spiritual values. When it all falls apart, it makes you take more than an ordinary look.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I think my ultimate sin - and it was really terrible - was that I had this insatiable pride.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I just could't accept defeat. he Lord had to knock me down and stand on my chest to show me the error of my ways.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I was really a basket case. I admit that.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
When your viewpoint is as damaging to the Devil as mine is, a number of things will happen to impeach your credibility.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
Of course Christ wants you to be properous and successful.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
You get to a certain point and all of a sudden, you're living a lifestyle you can't believe. A fleet of private planes at your disposal, everywhere you go there's cars to meet you at the airport, they take your luggage to the hotel to check it in - you basically do nothing. It was a pretty incredible life.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
In fact, I don't think I have any personality at all.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I had never in my corporate life had a failure.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I'm a moral man. I've lived a decent, moral life.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I had an arrogance that was beyond that of any other human being alive.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
I was an egomaniac, out of control.
- John DeLorean
Image of John DeLorean
Everything I own in the world essentially has either been taken away from me or tied up. I've got nothing.
- John DeLorean