Joe Lonsdale

Image of Joe Lonsdale
Backing a company is a serious business.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
Traditional hackathons are fun and focused on skill and competition, but we believe that events which focus on the positive social impact of technology engage a wider and more diverse set of participants.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
We want to inspire everyone to recognize the positive social impact they can have if they choose to become technologists.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
While it can be overwhelming to realize how many problems there are to solve in the world, it's always inspiring to see so many talented people willing to spend their time and energy in hopes of making a difference.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
CEOs shouldn't worry about their budget all the time - on a day-to-day basis, they should work on managing their company, building an awesome product, developing key relationships, identifying distribution channels, etc.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
The reason we have so much talent in Silicon Valley building and investing in for-profit technology companies is that markets richly reward successful ideas, no matter who invents them. But to remain competitive in a free market, companies must exercise discipline to meet quantitative goals and eventually become cashflow positive.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
A common mistake among new entrepreneurs who have raised large rounds is that they have essentially infinite resources.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
Engineering is the art of managing scarcity - it's easy to design and build a massive bridge that will last forever if cost is not an issue. Similarly, to build a new company, you must manage scarce resources.
- Joe Lonsdale
Image of Joe Lonsdale
America faces a mounting transportation crisis, and the primary culprit is road congestion. Traffic makes us unhealthy, wastes enormous amounts of time, and cripples national productivity. America needs expanded roads and transportation infrastructure, but traditional gas tax funding is no longer available.
- Joe Lonsdale