Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Wouldn't it be something if Liberty's votes were enough to change which presidential candidate won Virginia and maybe even the presidency itself?
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Anybody would be a vast improvement over Obama.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
If we all did as Jesus did when he helped the poor, we wouldn't need the government.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I think our model is sustainable. If all schools operated like Liberty and charged what we charge, there wouldn't be a student loan problem in America.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
So many of the schools are just politically correct mirrors of each other. If you go to this school versus that school, you're just going to get a different version of the same political correctness and liberal indoctrination.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I believe that over 90 percent of LU students try hard to comply with the behavioral code and are supportive of the school's mission.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I've always been careful to make it clear that my endorsement of Trump is mine only.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I see a lot of parallels between my father and Donald Trump.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Donald Trump's life has born fruit in jobs and generosity. He cannot be bought. He is not a puppet on a string like other candidates.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Collection: Generosity
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
We all need to unite behind stopping evil, whether it's Timothy McVeigh who is the terrorist in Oklahoma City, or it's Muslim terrorists in Barcelona, or it's somebody flying a plane into the World Trade Center, it's all evil.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Collection: Evil
Image of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
At least Donald Trump is not politically correct; he's not so concerned about rehearsing and focus grouping every statement he makes and that's one of the reasons I supported him.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Collection: Focus