Jeff Van Drew

Image of Jeff Van Drew
We have relied on China for far too long to provide cheap labor and goods at the expense of America and our workers.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our government should never stop anyone from practicing their faith or exercising their rights to operate a business if it can be done in a safe manner.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will continue to fight for our people and businesses that make our community and our nation thrive, they deserve that.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The United States Postal Service is overworked and under-funded.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
America needs leader that work for them, not partisan gain.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, it is my responsibility to help our country adapt to and overcome the threats that COVID-19 presents to air travel.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I believe if given the choice, Americans will choose to support American farmers when they head to the store to shop.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our local hospitals are the frontline of the fight against Coronavirus and I am proud to have worked with Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan and the administration to ensure our South Jersey hospitals have more of the resources they need.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We are living in a world that has been changed by COVID, and our legislative priorities need to support our communities and our workers to address the needs of our new environment.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It is unacceptable for the men and women who protect us to be treated like second class citizens over partisan bickering.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The Agriculture Committee was one of my top committee choices because it will give me the platform to be an even stronger leader for our hard-working farmers in South Jersey.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I believe that climate change is real, is driven mainly by human activity and that it is driving real-world changes such as extreme weather events, hotter temperatures, rising sea levels and ocean acidification.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I believe that the United States has a moral and economic imperative to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We have an opportunity to become a global leader in the clean energy industry, but we have to be smart and strategic about it.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We need to protect our environment and make our economy more sustainable so that we can pass on a better world to our grandchildren.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Robocall scams not only inconvenience us at the dinner table, but they prey on the vulnerable, including seniors, and it's despicable.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We need to restore our democracy to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
There is too much hate in the world; too much hurt.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We feel on social media that we can speak to each other in a certain way. In politics we treat each other as enemies instead of collaborators. This hate has extended to these horrible and hateful acts.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We are all human beings. We all have the same blood in our veins.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The American Legion is a cornerstone of the community of South Jersey, and the United States, and its programs and activities strengthen our nation.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, the release of the Mueller Report is essential to restoring faith in our government.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, facts matter.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will continue to do all I can to work together with my fellow Representatives for the betterment of the American people and the people of South Jersey.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I do hope President Trump's calls for bipartisanship are genuine, and I also hope he takes the actions needed to unify the country.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The people of South Jersey are counting on me.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The people of South Jersey know that climate change is real and that it impacts their quality of life. They see that our streets flood almost every time it rains and they have seen that extreme weather events have become more frequent and more violent.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
No one understands the impacts of shifting fish stocks more than commercial and recreational fishermen in my district.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Stockton University is a cornerstone of South Jersey.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We should not put additional stressors on God's creatures through irresponsible trade practices in wild birds.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
As a dentist and representative, I have seen firsthand the need to make our healthcare system both more accessible and affordable.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We must focus on strengthening the Affordable Care Act in ways that protect families and small businesses, and not on stripping away coverage from the most vulnerable.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I have had the opportunity to speak to the people of South Jersey. I have held Tele-Town Halls, gone to countless events, and met with thousands of the individuals who make up our community.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It is time to get rid of the harmful and dangerous practice of offshore drilling once and for all.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our focus should be on finding a bipartisan solution to healthcare that makes it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It sickens me to hear of people being unable to get coverage if they have a pre-existing condition, or of seniors that are struggling to afford prescriptions.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
In addition to dealing with call spoofing and robocalls with acts like the Robocall Enforcement Enhancement Act, the American people require a larger scale approach.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We must work together as Americans in a bipartisan fashion.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Elected officials need to stop with the name calling and hateful statements.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We were elected to work together and help keep this country the greatest nation in the world.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Bringing solar as a renewable energy resource for those who are not able to install solar panels on their roofs allows more communities to benefit from a solar array.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It is important that we are looking at renewable resources and growing businesses based on them.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
For illegal robocallers, the goal isn't always getting you to answer. Sometimes, it's getting you to call back.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
With the Ending One-Ring Scams Act of 2019, I continue my fight against those that prey on the weak.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Election security is the first step to having free, fair, and open elections.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Since the founding of our nation, our democracy has been the beacon of hope and the standard by which other countries look to.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We need to do everything in our power to assure the American people that the election system is secured and that outside forces will not interfere.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our Country is a beacon of hope for the world.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Secure, safe borders with physical barriers, proper technology, manpower, and a sufficient number of judges is attainable and important to the security of our nation. We must also treat these children at the border with compassion and decency.
- Jeff Van Drew