Jeff Van Drew

Image of Jeff Van Drew
We have come a long way in terms of equality for every race, sex and creed in this nation. We still have a ways to go to before we are there for everyone, but we must find peaceful and meaningful solutions that offer positive outcomes for all.
- Jeff Van Drew
Collection: Positive
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Anti-Semitism or discrimination of any kind has no place in our society.
- Jeff Van Drew
Collection: Society
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Energy efficiency not only saves businesses and consumers money, but it also reduces pollution by cutting energy use.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The American economy is driven and maintained by the exceptionalism of the women and men who make up our workforce; we must do everything we can to protect them.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Many people assume that since New Jersey is a wealthy state with a high per capita income that a lot of these issues of poverty and hunger don't exist, and the fact is that they do.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
My decision to leave the Democrat Party was one that was not entered into lightly. The pressure of party bosses, activists, and even my colleagues, was great, but the Democrat Party has changed. It is no longer the party that my grandparents and I grew up admiring.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I was always told that Republicans would marginalize me, push me aside and treat me like dirt. This could not be further from the truth. I have been welcomed with open arms, and even when I have disagreed on some issues, my views have been respected.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our history is imperfect, but it has laid the groundwork for the greatest experiment in democracy the world has ever known: America.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Over the years, countless people throughout South Jersey have shared with me that they are constantly harassed by robocalls and scams. Members of Congress have a responsibility to hold scammers responsible for their abusive practices and protect the American people from this abuse.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our heroes in the armed forces and our first responders are all essential to the freedom and safety of our great nation.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
America was founded by statesmen who were guided by strong moral and political principles. These principles have allowed this nation to flourish and continually improve itself.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I have never been driven by partisan politics, only a desire to better the lives of my constituents.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
My constituency, the majority of them are Republicans, but the biggest majority of them are people who really vote for people because of their individuality and because of how hard they work. And that's what I've always done.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
My main frustration is that NJ Transit continually misleads the residents of South Jersey.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The people of South Jersey, and local, state, and federal Representatives will not allow a permanent closure of the Atlantic City Rail Line.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
What we need is a program in South Jersey that allows local veterans to go to doctor's offices and hospitals here in our region to get treatment.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I am pleased to see portions of my own robocall bill, the 'Stopping Bad Robocalls Act,' incorporated in the TRACED Act.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
In addition to the massive benefits that SNAP provides to children, it also gives critical benefits for Americans who face substantial obstacles to stable employment.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I believe that at certain points in people's lives they need assistance in order to move on to the next point in their life.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
In America no one should go hungry.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It is essential that every eligible American voter has the ability and access to have their voice heard.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Renewable energy is essential to the future of South Jersey's economy and vital to protecting our environment.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The status quo on prescription drug prices is deeply broken and unsustainable.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
With the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, we are taking bold action to level the playing field for American patients and taxpayers. This legislation is one that I am proud to have voted for, and the House can be proud to have passed. It is essential to save the lives of Americans and improve our quality of life.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will always be the voice of the people and a voice for reason in Washington D.C.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I plan to work with all my colleagues on education and labor issues and to ensure the security of our nation by providing agencies from FEMA's disaster recovery efforts to the Coast Guard protecting our nation with the tools they need to be successful.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I am saddened to hear of the passing of William 'Bill' J. Hughes, former U.S. Representative and Ambassador. Mr. Hughes has fought for South Jersey for decades and it is an honor to have known him and followed in his footsteps. South Jersey and the world are better for having had him.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Disclosure of the full monthly costs that consumers pay is the first step to ensuring that cable companies stop taking advantage of consumers.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
In South Jersey, as in many places around the country, we only have one cable company to choose from so there is no competition and therefore no incentive for good service, programming or competitive pricing.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Housing providers and building and design professionals have a responsibility under federal nondiscrimination laws to provide housing protections for individuals with disabilities.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The Health Center Cluster program helps communities all over the country by providing assistance to health centers and clinics.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
In a region wrought with strife, the shared democratic values between the U.S. and Israel have been the foundation for our historic and deep-rooted partnership.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
It is essential for Israel's safety and ours that we do everything we can to support our staunchest ally at all times.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The Fair Indexing for Health Care Affordability Act is a simple, common-sense solution that will protect costs and make health care more accessible for South Jersey individuals and families. We should be working on solutions to lower out-of-pocket expenses, not increase them.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will do everything in my power to ensure we provide every single person in America with the support they need.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We must put American workers first.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Every ounce of resources in our state should be focused on defeating the hidden enemy we all have in common: COVID-19.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will continue to advocate for projects and funding that will make our citizens' daily lives better.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
The Coronavirus crisis is causing fear, anxiety and financial hardship for families across our community, our state and our nation.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our national security requires us to be strong and fearless, but not at the cost of personal privacy.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will always be a voice of reason for our community, our state and our nation.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
I will put the needs of the citizens of all creeds and backgrounds in our community over the needs of individuals who decide to break the law to come to our nation.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Utilizing fear to rip people off during a crisis is abhorrent, dishonest and downright disgusting behavior.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our law enforcement officers put their lives on the line, and some die in service to their community and nation every year.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
As long as I am in office I will always ensure our veterans and military have every tool at their disposal that they need. We must honor and support them in every way that we can.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Statues and murals depicting historical figures, and even Jesus Christ himself, are being targeted by angry mobs of individuals looking to rewrite history.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
We must protect our history - because we are doomed to repeat it if we don't understand it and work towards a more perfect union.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
Our small businesses, those in healthcare and the sick should be the only priority of legislation regarding Coronavirus.
- Jeff Van Drew
Image of Jeff Van Drew
DMOs help our economy thrive in South Jersey.
- Jeff Van Drew