James P. Cannon

Image of James P. Cannon
The workers of America have power enough to topple the structure of capitalism at home and to lift the whole world with them when they rise.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Home
Image of James P. Cannon
Trotskyism is not a new movement, a new doctrine, but the restoration, the revival of genuine Marxism as it was expounded and practiced in the Russian revolution and in the early days of the Communist International.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Revolution
Image of James P. Cannon
The art of politics is knowing what to do next.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Art
Image of James P. Cannon
The American capitalists are richer and stronger than their counterparts in other lands. They are also younger and more ignorant, and therefore more inclined to seek a rough settlement of difficulties without diplomatic subtlety and finesse. All that does not change the fact that American capitalism operates according to the same laws as the others, is confronted with the same fundamental problems, and is headed toward the same catastrophe.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Law
Image of James P. Cannon
The economic prerequisites for the socialist revolution are fully matured in the US. The political premises are likewise far more advanced than might appear on the surface.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Political
Image of James P. Cannon
These monster cities we live in today are blights of modern society. They will certainly give way to planned cities interlinked to the countryside. Everybody will live with the natural advantages of the country and the cultural associations of the town.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Country
Image of James P. Cannon
No strike could ever be won with a Communist at its head since the employers would make victory impossible.
- James P. Cannon
Collection: Victory