James Murphy

Image of James Murphy
I was someone who grew up obsessed with bands, how they were and how they treated one another, and how they treated fans.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I have a very toxic combination of being completely determined, inflexible, controlling and being totally shy, guilty at hurting anyone's feelings, hypersensitive to other people's needs - and it's just paralysing.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
Even in the band I was in when I was a kid, I'd be telling everyone what to do. I'd be leaning over the drums, telling them to tune their guitars, micromanaging.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
As things mature - whether they be real estate, rock n' roll, politics, festivals, radio - there's an efficiency that develops, and with it, very often, comes some soul-crushing truths.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
To do a band properly does kind of mean you don't really get to do anything else.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I'm not a big songwriter guy. People who are really good singer-songwriters usually left me kind of cold.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
My high-techness is pretty low-tech. I'm not wildly computer savvy. I'm a record person.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I started playing in my first band when I was 12. I like to date myself by saying I was in a New Age band when it wasn't ironic; it was actually called new wave because it was new.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
We didn't set out to be cool. We set out to be an extremely tight band. We wanted to defy expectations. The more negative your mindset on coming to one of our gigs, the better for us, frankly.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
If being in a band was my job, then I would quit. This is not a good job. A good job is in financial management.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
Restaurants remind me of bands: there's lots of camaraderie, people work very closely together, very hard, and it's a bad job to pick if you want to make lots of money. Whether music or food, the reward always has to be because you love it.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I don't drink beer, and I don't drink at home.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I never did albums fully at DFA; I always would go someplace else so I wasn't making a record in my office, basically.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
What we are as a live band is different to what we are on recordings, but they're both equal versions: they're both LCD Soundsystem, but in very different ways.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
Songs can click together really quickly, and other times, they're really laborious and heavy-lifting.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
My gut instincts are strong, but they're not always accessible to me, which is why I like DJing, because you don't have time, and you have to go on instinct.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
One of the big things that broke the band up for me, which I've become much clearer on over the years, was that I had no desire to be famous.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
The vast majority of kids in my school went on to college. That's just what you did. And I remember feeling like, 'No, I'm not doing that.' The idea that college was next, that it was a given, meant it was of no interest to me. So I didn't go.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I don't want to be subsumed into popular culture and played on the radio next to some garbage music.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I was into punk rock my whole life. I never listened to the Eagles. I never listened to things that were getting Grammys. So getting a Grammy nomination wasn't bad, it just wasn't meaningful.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I'm always surprised by how optimistic and open sometimes people who are very successful are.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I don't prepare very well. I'm always sort of wrapped up in what I'm supposed to be doing in the moment, and then I suddenly appear someplace, and I'm really not prepared.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
There's kind of a limitless amount of things I want to do, and when the path seems to open, that's when I try to do a thing.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
If I opened a record store, it wouldn't be all punk rock and esoterica.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
The more you are like me, the less interested in my band you are.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I understand that if someone's going to make me his idea of cool, I can't control that.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
LCD is a band about a band writing music about writing music.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
LCD live was set up to be an argument about what's wrong with bands and why bands should be better. I always thought that we were so obviously not a great band, comically not a great band. I was not a great front man.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I'm basically a schlub.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I have a thing about inane lyrics - the world doesn't need them.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I had friends who were jocks or whatever... Then, around 12 or 13, kids get cliquish and cruel, and that disgusted me. It seemed a reprehensible use of one's arbitrary social status. So I got really aggressive about it and became more of a weird kid.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I've always been a good imitator. I love music. But I'm just not that original.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I spent a good amount of time with David Bowie, and I was talking about getting the band back together. He said, 'Does it make you uncomfortable?' I said 'Yeah,', and he said, 'Good. It should. You should be uncomfortable.'
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
If there was a direct influence on a song, I never hid it.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
Punk rock, to me, was always outsiderness. When I first saw large-group-scene punk rock, I was repelled by it, because there were way too many people who agreed with each other.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
Making people dance has another function that has nothing to do with art, and I mean that in the most positive way possible. It's like food - if you're not eating it, you're doing something wrong. If they're not dancing, something is wrong.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
The plan is to keep on putting out records until someone shows up and tells us to stop.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
When I do a remix, I try to think about what I don't have in my bag and create something to fill that gap.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
One of the things that I think is special about DJing is creating this atmosphere of collectiveness, as if to say, 'We're all in this together.'
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I always wished I had a more flamboyant streak, but it's just not what I'm made of.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I moved to New York in 1989 and went to study at NYU.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
For most of my life, making music has cost me money. So I learned to live very, very cheaply.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I got a phone message from Janet Jackson saying, 'Hi, I love 'Losing My Edge', can you do me something funky and dirty like that?' I can't really do off-the-peg stuff, so I never called back.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I don't write off silly pop people at all, because you never know where they're coming from.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I like clever lyrics, funny lyrics, dumb lyrics. I can never put my finger on what I like about them.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I'm generally a very optimistic guy.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
One of my favorite photographers is Ruvan Wijesooriya, who takes most of the LCD photos. His work is incredibly colloquial and raw.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I don't see myself as necessarily a very creative person. I'm a technical guy.
- James Murphy
Image of James Murphy
I have an interest in everything, but I don't have an interest in starting new careers.
- James Murphy