James Haven

Image of James Haven
Someday I'll get married, and on my wedding day they'll be saying, 'Okay, we have to ask about that infamous Oscar kiss.'
- James Haven
Collection: Wedding
Image of James Haven
Anytime you have the opportunity to do any kind of story that is based on a true story, I think those are the most inspirational.
- James Haven
Collection: Inspirational
Image of James Haven
There were times when our dad was awesomely good with us, but my biggest and most abiding memory is that he would look more to our faults than to our strengths.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I'm a perfectionist by nature. Then, because I'm so close to Angie it's like I've already got the perfect woman in my life and it's hard for anyone else to live up to that.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I've seen 'Transformers' seven times. I cry every time.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Zahara likes to hide from Angie, who always knows, right when she walks in the room, that Z's playing.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I have no memory at all of my mother shouting at me or at my sister. But I do have horrible memories of my father and the way he behaved. He was so tough on our mother.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
My mum was methodical in making sure we did our homework perfectly. She would do outlines to help us. When we were younger, she used flash cards.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I did not have a car in high school and neither did Angelina. Try to imagine. You go to Beverly Hills High, one of the wealthiest high schools in the nation. Even the cheapest car that anyone has is brand new. All my friends are well off. I have a movie-star father and no car. It was debilitating.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I did not give Angie a French kiss. It was something simple and lovely. She was about to go off to Mexico to finish filming 'Original Sin' with Antonio Banderas. I congratulated her on the Oscar win and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. It was snapped and became a big thing.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
There is no question Angelina makes a difference in our world by bringing awareness to so many causes. Her compassion for humanity alone always makes me honored to call her my sister.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
The fundamental belief of CoreCause is to focus on a preventative rather than recovery stand point. Most of the worlds crises are the effects of a 'core cause' that if addressed would solve the problem entirely.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Angie visited Ethiopia and it changed her life. It's hard for her to go home to a very expensive restaurant and order freely.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I don't want to constantly berate my father - I wish him well, and I hope he finds peace - but he put my mom through years of mental abuse, and it made me care especially for abandoned women and children.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Angelina has a rule that she adopts children only when they are orphans.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I think adoption becomes complicated whenever the biological parents are alive.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
My sister, like our mother, always put her children first.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Brad has changed my sister a lot. They have an extraordinary bond, it's not on the usual level. He's great with her and I've never seen a brood like that who are all so supportive of one another.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Now that our mother has died, we're two orphans, Angie and I, so she has a deep understanding of the orphans she adopts.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I've obviously seen my sister since her first year in this world, and to see her with her three children and Brad, I've never seen her happier.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I know what it's like to feel distraught as I am an incredibly sensitive guy and feel for anything and everyone in pain, particularly my own sister.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
I adore Angie and we are very close.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
If a building has been condemned or it's left to ruin, I get so upset. I feel something really deeply about it. I don't like to see anything neglected.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
If I see a down-and-out I can't walk past, it really gets to me and I want to do everything I can.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
The word 'love' is such a special thing.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Love and sex and whatever, they are - different. I could say I'm in love with someone who is 90 years old and teaches acting and lives in Ohio.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
The difference between my sister and I is that she is an extreme extrovert. She is right up front and tells you what she feels. I'm the quiet nobody-knows-me type.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
In many respects Angie saved Zahara's life and there are so many more children whose lives she could save and she talks about that constantly.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Angelina and Brad have shown me that caring for children is the greatest gift in the world.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
When Mom died I couldn't stop crying, but both Angie and I really believe she's in a better place.
- James Haven
Image of James Haven
Angelina Jolie and I love each other. IF that's unusual these days, that's sad.
- James Haven
Collection: Unusual
Image of James Haven
I've heard what people are saying, and it's a very weird thing. They're going into a realm where it's somethign that's almost ugly, rather than something that can be so beautiful.
- James Haven
Collection: Beautiful
Image of James Haven
I'm so much more than just Angelina [Jolie's] brother. I'm also Jon Voight's son and Billy Bob Thorton's brother-in-law.
- James Haven
Collection: Brother