James Gray

Image of James Gray
When I was younger, I felt it essential to see every movie ever made. Now I feel as though I've got to read every book, see every art show, watch every play and opera and concert and so on. It does not end, and of course there is truth in the old cliche that the more one knows, the more one realizes one knows nothing at all.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I have no interest whatsoever in pursuing acting or becoming a mogul. I love writing and directing; I see those two jobs as the most critical in the making of a film.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I grew up in a semi-attached row house in Queens in New York. And my family and my grandparents and my father's from Brooklyn, and so you're essentially an outer boroughs kid, you're growing up.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
It's difficult because Manhattan is so fantastic, and it's 9 miles away, and all these cool rich people live there and have great lives, and you live in a semi-attached row house in Queens.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The opera in Los Angeles is excellent.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I live up Laurel Canyon, and if I want to walk with my son, I have to drive to the park, which is so insane to me.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The corporate system dictates what gets made, and the movies are so bad because of the economic structure of Hollywood. The big business takeover of Hollywood is at fault rather than American storytellers - it's what keeps textured movies from getting made.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I've been a Yankees fan for a long time. When I was a kid in the mid-'70s, the Yankees were really great. They had Reggie Jackson in '77. I was 8 years old at the time. He hit three home runs to win the World Series in game six against the Dodgers, and I was just hooked.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
Baseball is the greatest thing in the world.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I have no athletic skills whatsoever. I'm just literally incompetent.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
It's much easier to make a movie with kind of stylistic pyrotechnics because you can hide behind that if there's a gap in the story.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
All I can say is sometimes home gets burned into your occipital lobe, and it can't leave you, and there's always that longing.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
At Ellis Island, I mean, you didn't go there if you arrived in first class. It was only the poorest, the people in the worst shape.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
Anyone who starts badmouthing Latino immigrants is not only a racist but ignorant. You need to refer them to what was written about the Irish, the Jews, the Italians, any group you want.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The films I grew up loving, and the art that I love, is not generally the kind of postmodern ironic winking stuff. What lasts is the stuff in which the artists are totally in league with the subject.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I've learned that you can never predict what will happen to a film. You can never predict if people will love it, if they'll hate it. It's an act of ego if you're hoping for everyone to love the film and tell you how great you are.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I would love it if my films made a lot of money, and may I say that 'The Yards' is the only one that's lost money.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I don't think my parents told me enough how the world doesn't really care about me. I think it's important to tell children that the world doesn't really care about you. You have to fight to be heard.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I think to be a movie critic is troubling from one major respect. If you are forced to watch ten movies a week, it's really only something you can do for a few years. After a while, it's a bit too much.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I don't envy the job of people who have to watch five movies a day - that's insane.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
At a certain point, you have to kind of realize that greatness is a messy thing.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I was going to Studio 54 when I was 12 years old. It's true. It's crazy.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
It's very difficult to put your finger on why a certain actor or actress will capture your attention, and you'll think they're right for a role. There's an essence to a person.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The system is not really particularly amenable to filmmakers who write and direct their own work. It's much more about the studio already having a property that has a marketable concept and then hiring the director on board.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
'Apocalypse Now' poses questions without any attempt to provide definitive answers, and the film's profound ambiguities are integral to its enduring magic.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
If you read about the astronauts who went to the moon - the 12 who walked on it, and the others who orbited - all suffered serious mental trauma of one kind or another.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The sad truth for American actors is that they really have no control whatsoever over the material that they get, or can do, particularly actresses. And if you're over 40 and you're an actress, forget it.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
As ugly an admission as this is, I met my wife at a party, and if I had been to the same party and she were dressed in different clothes, I might never have talked to her. She might have projected something that I found distasteful, even if she otherwise looked exactly the same - a beautiful woman to me.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I have three young children, and I kind of stopped going to movies in 2006. I go to see some, but I'm a little bit out of touch, and I didn't know who Marion Cotillard was.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The decision about digital or film is going to be made for us. I think the answer is that film is gonna be gone, although I think it'll make a comeback; it'll be like vinyl records or something.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
Sean Penn has announced his retirement from acting about 72 times.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
Time can be very good or very cruel to films.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I'm not a website guy, although I'm not a Luddite, either. I have looked at a computer, but I don't go to PopSugar and Goop and all that.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
To the extent that independent means you're willing to attempt to put your own ideas, personality, and commitment to the material on screen, then of course I hope I'm independent until the day I die.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
I think storytelling is a thing of beauty, and also very difficult. It's a craft you have to continue to work at.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The key to acting - from what little I know about that wonderful craft - is listening, and interacting with the other person in order to achieve magic. One way to do that is almost to provoke.
- James Gray
Image of James Gray
The audience cares what the movie looks like, not about the sleepless night you had worrying about the thing getting developed.
- James Gray
Collection: Night
Image of James Gray
You should just write the movie based on people you actually know and then just see who wants to play it. Cast the net.
- James Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of James Gray
If we continue as we have for the past 20 years in California, in the year 2020, everybody in the State will either be in prison or running one.
- James Gray
Collection: Running
Image of James Gray
Life affirming doesn't mean good things happen.
- James Gray
Collection: Mean
Image of James Gray
Actors want to work with you but they want you to do their thing. Actors, whom I love with a blind partiality, sometimes they want to be soloists in the symphony, not a part of the orchestra.
- James Gray
Collection: Symphony
Image of James Gray
Actors do want to work with me and I'm very grateful for that, but you never know. I could write parts for them that they don't want to play and then all of the sudden they don't want to work with you that much.
- James Gray
Collection: Grateful