Jameela Jamil

Image of Jameela Jamil
Britain's way of dealing with disability is just to try and pretend it's not happening. A swift sweep under the carpet.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I've always been passionate about the concept of helping the underdog. It just doesn't make sense to me as to what kind of person would take a huge platform and not use it to do something, to change something, to help people.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
So many people are campaigning, fighting, and even dying to make a statement in the name of humanity. These people have no voice that can be heard by many. I wish more celebrities would take the initiative to be that voice.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I didn't really have a group of friends 'till I was 19, and I didn't kiss anyone until I was 21.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I'm not saying all men are likely to cheat.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
What kind of woman tries to fat-shame a heavily pregnant woman?
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
What does this Heidi Parker look like pregnant? What does she look like first thing in the morning? Or bending over? What do any of these bloody 'journalists' look like that makes them find the normal appearance of celebrities so offensive?
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Kim Kardashian was the first time I've seen a woman tormented about her weight gain while having a baby. But at least she asks for that attention by voluntarily obsessing over her weight publicly on her social media. But now nobody is safe.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
We are genuinely in a world that criticises women even when they are going through the biggest physical challenge of their life: pregnancy.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
At no point in my thirty years have I ever felt truly represented by the fashion industry.
- Jameela Jamil