Jameela Jamil

Image of Jameela Jamil
We're in a situation where talented, motivated school leavers and graduates can send off a hundred CVs and not get a reply, and where a trip to the Job Centre is depressing rather than inspirational. And you know what, that just feels wrong.
- Jameela Jamil
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jameela Jamil
If you have time to get your pet rabbit its own Instagram account, you have time to at least tweet about something important.
- Jameela Jamil
Collection: Pet
Image of Jameela Jamil
Every twist and turn in life is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself, your interests, your talents, and how to set and then achieve goals.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Surround yourself with people and things that inspire you. Learn everything you can.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
With a doughnut in each hand, anything is possible.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
For me, growing up felt like a roller coaster ride at times, but looking back, I don't think that it was such a bad thing. It was all part of the excitement of being young.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I like the fact that Tess Holliday is comfortable in her own skin and loves herself. I think that's a hugely positive message that women of all sizes really need to adopt.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I get particularly depressed by the way teenagers are portrayed in the media. They are massively underestimated. They are bright, intelligent people who are given less and less opportunity. They are an ignored generation.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Initially I struggled to find gluten-free products, but things have gradually improved, and now retailers like Holland & Barrett - with their new Free From range - are starting to cater for celiacs.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
As a young child, I suffered all sorts of digestive problems and was constantly under the weather.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
One of the brilliant things I realised after I'd left school is that there are so many ways you can learn. I do this best on the job.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Three women in my family, close relatives, have had breast cancer, and two have died from it, and still I never thought it could happen to me. I didn't even regularly check my breasts.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I am an Asian woman. I am a size 12 Asian woman. I have been a size 18 Asian woman. I have been a size 6 Asian woman. I have been a size 18 disabled Asian woman.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
The doctor said, 'You have a lump on your breast'. Hearing those words was a reminder, a kick up the bum if you like, telling me that life is very unpredictable.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
With the arrogance of youth, I thought, 'I don't drink, don't smoke, I don't do drugs, so why would I get cancer?' The week I spent waiting for the result of the biopsy to see if it was malignant felt like the longest of my life.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
After the cancer-free diagnosis, I thought I'd go off and do the things I never did in my teens and twenties. I realised putting things off in life can be dangerous because suddenly you can find you've run out of time.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Shaming people isn't productive. That makes you feel bad about yourself.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I think compassion is the only way to approach any subject, especially if it's to do with physical appearance. I don't think it's really about tearing something apart.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I had to learn to accept myself despite the fact that I was seriously underweight. I had to try and feel sexy.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
If you're in the public eye, you're constantly scrutinised. I was called too thin and then too fat when I was overweight. It's just a shame those are the reactions people have.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was born partially deaf and suffered from labyrinthitis, which affected my balance. I had numerous ear infections and spent my childhood in and out of hospital having operations.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
My digestive system was so damaged that I became allergic to almost everything, including fruit and vegetables, and the only thing I could stomach was chicken and chips.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
A lot of the things that happened to me came out of the blue, but I'm exactly the same person now as I was when I was sick. I'm still a very optimistic person.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
It might seem a psychotic, insane thing, quitting a job after I'd built a great career over eight years, but it was a wake-up call. All too often we ignore those, forget that we don't know how long we're here for and that we need to make the most of every moment.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I knew it was right to make time for myself to have adventures and fulfil dreams.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Sometimes gluten is even added to chips, which is really annoying.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Restaurants don't cater properly for celiac sufferers, and neither do supermarkets.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I became allergic to virtually all fruits and vegetables, and my weight tumbled. I am 5ft. 10in. but dropped to just 8 st. 7lbs.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Women's bodies have always been used as a spectacle and objectified.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I'm not trying to prove myself, and I'm not trying to shock anyone.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
When I stepped into the industry, I was dealt this bizarre persona of being this sarcastic fashionista 'it girl' who is friends with loads of celebrities. That couldn't be further from the truth.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
You see the music videos and the bling and the cars, but all of that goes home at the end of the shoot. They make nothing because there's less and less money in the music industry.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was a model scout. I was never a model, but they just dropped the scout.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was interviewing Daniel Craig and Naomie Harris for a Bond film a few years ago, and the moment I sat down, my dress ripped. No more bodycon numbers for me. I had to walk out of the room backwards when I was done.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I've been amazingly lucky, and believe me, I don't take anything for granted.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I've had versions of disability my whole life, first with my hearing and then when I couldn't walk for over a year.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was always very quiet, and I think everyone thought that was because I was a good child. I'd sit there in silence, but it wasn't until my mother was calling me one day when I was very young that she realised something was wrong because I wasn't responding.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was so overwhelmed by the amazing response I had from thousands of women saying they felt beautiful in my first collection, I wanted to design more clothes they could love themselves in.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
The concept of plus-size is so derogatory and weird. What does that mean? Plus the normal size? It shouldn't exist any more.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I was 23 and saw my face on the side of the big T4 bus at V Festival and almost fainted.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Chips. All day. Every day.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I'm acting in a new show on NBC with Kristen Bell and Ted Danson, which is definitely the scariest thing I've ever done.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
A few years ago, I fell in love with a man before realising he was married.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Some people cheat because they want to, because they can, because it gives them a thrill, or because they just can't do long-term relationships.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I'm going to get controversial here and say that monogamy isn't natural, especially not for men. It's a concept society birthed a few hundred years ago, even though men's DNA is busy telling them to spread the seed.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
If you want someone, you have to be willing to wait for them and trust that what you have is real and strong enough for them to wait for you. If somebody jumps ship for you, that fact will always haunt you because you'll know they're light on their feet. Spare yourself the paranoia and the pain and walk away until the coast is clear.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
More women need to stick together.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Whenever I get negative comments on Twitter, it's always from girls - often ones who are trying to make it in the media. I don't understand why we can't put that energy into uniting and supporting each other instead.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
I wanted to be a part of telling women there is no segregation. There is no need to ever not feel beautiful or glamorous. There should be nothing that gets in your way.
- Jameela Jamil
Image of Jameela Jamil
Hopefully, no one will feel self-conscious in anything that I've designed.
- Jameela Jamil