Jacques Plante

Image of Jacques Plante
How would you like a job where when you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
Suppose you were working at your job one day, and you made a little mistake. Then all of a sudden a red light went on over your desk, and fifteen thousand people stood up and yelled at you that you sucked?
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
I am getting old, but it works in this job. I'm so slow now that I can't get out of the way of the puck.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
If I've got to use my head, I might as well wear the mask.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
All of us kids in the neighbourhood had to go shoeless for the same reason - all except the landlord's son, because his father had more income.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
If I don't wear the mask, I'm not playing.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
Whenever I won an award in the NHL, I thought of my father and the pride he would get in reading about it and having people mention it to him.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
You had no mask, and the coach kept telling you, 'Use your head.' And I did.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
Dad was a machinist who had to work hard - harder than any man I have ever known.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
Our four defensemen all had flaws: one couldn't skate backwards, one couldn't turn to his left, one couldn't turn to his right, and the fourth couldn't pass the puck accurately to our blue line. Somebody had to clear the loose pucks, so I started doing it myself.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
The shoot-and-chase approach had become big in hockey. Teams would come up to the blue line and shoot the puck around our boards deep in our zone, then swarm in after it forechecking, trying to regain possession.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
Someday, I'm going to learn to knit with my feet.
- Jacques Plante
Image of Jacques Plante
How would you like it if, at your job, every time you made the slightest mistake a little red light went on over your head and 18,000 people stood up and screamed at you?
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacques Plante
Only a goalie can appreciate what a goalie goes through.
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Hockey
Image of Jacques Plante
If you jump out of a plane without a parachute, does that make you brave? No, I think that makes you stupid. I will never play without the mask again.
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Stupid
Image of Jacques Plante
Hockey is an art. It requires speed, precision, and strength like other sports, but it also demands an extraordinary intelligence to develop a logical sequence of movements, a technique which is smooth, graceful and in rhythm with the rest of the game.
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Sports
Image of Jacques Plante
How would you like a job where, if you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacques Plante
Playing goal is like being shot at.
- Jacques Plante
Collection: Hockey