Jackie Robinson

Image of Jackie Robinson
The colonel replied that he didn't care how my men had got the job done. He was happy that it had been accomplished. He said that, obviously, no matter how much or how little I knew technically, I was able to get the best out of people I worked with.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Best
Image of Jackie Robinson
After two years at UCLA, I decided to leave. I was convinced that no amount of education would help a black man get a job.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Education
Image of Jackie Robinson
My problem was my inability to spend much time at home. I thought my family was secure, so I went running around everyplace else. I guess I had more of an effect on other people's kids than I did my own.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Home
Image of Jackie Robinson
I guess you'd call me an independent, since I've never identified myself with one party or another in politics. I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Politics
Image of Jackie Robinson
I had practiced with the team, and the first scheduled game was with the University of Missouri. They made it quite clear to the Army that they would not play a team with a black player on it. Instead of telling me the truth, the Army gave me leave to go home.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Truth
Image of Jackie Robinson
Today, Negroes play on every big league club and in every minor league. With millions of other Negroes in other walks of life, we are willing to stand up and be counted for what we believe in. In baseball or out, we are no longer willing to wait until Judgment Day for equality - we want it here on earth as well as in Heaven.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Life
Image of Jackie Robinson
My protest about the post exchange seating bore some results. More seats were allocated for blacks, but there were still separate sections for blacks and for whites. At least I had made my men realize that something could be accomplished by speaking out, and I hoped they would be less resigned to unjust conditions.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Men
Image of Jackie Robinson
I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Respect
Image of Jackie Robinson
I felt unhappy and trapped. If I left baseball, where could I go, what could I do to earn enough money to help my mother and to marry Rachel? The solution to my problem was only days away in the hands of a tough, shrewd, courageous man called Branch Rickey, the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Money
Image of Jackie Robinson
Many people resented my impatience and honesty, but I never cared about acceptance as much as I cared about respect.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Respect
Image of Jackie Robinson
In my opinion, baseball is as big a business as anything there is. It has to be a business, the way it is conducted.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Business
Image of Jackie Robinson
When I am playing baseball, I give it all that I have on the ball field. When the ball game is over, I certainly don't take it home. My little girl who is sitting out there wouldn't know the difference between a third strike and a foul ball. We don't talk about baseball at home.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Home
Image of Jackie Robinson
Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Life
Image of Jackie Robinson
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Life
Image of Jackie Robinson
I had no future with the Dodgers, because I was too closely identified with Branch Rickey. After the club was taken over by Walter O'Malley, you couldn't even mention Mr. Rickey's name in front of him. I considered Mr. Rickey the greatest human being I had ever known.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Future
Image of Jackie Robinson
There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
Above anything else, I hate to lose.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
This ain't fun. But you watch me, I'll get it done.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he's losing; nobody wants you to quit when you're ahead.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
How you played in yesterday's game is all that counts.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I cannot salute the flag; I know that I am a black man in a white world. In 1972, in 1947, at my birth in 1919, I know that I never had it made.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
The way I figured it, I was even with baseball and baseball with me. The game had done much for me, and I had done much for it.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
It kills me to lose. If I'm a troublemaker, and I don't think that my temper makes me one, then it's because I can't stand losing. That's the way I am about winning, all I ever wanted to do was finish first.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
The black press, some liberal sportswriters, and even a few politicians were banging away at those Jim Crow barriers in baseball. I never expected the walls to come tumbling down in my lifetime.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
A new breed of Republicans has taken over the GOP. It is a new breed which is seeking to sell to Americans a doctrine which is as old as mankind - the doctrine of racial division, the doctrine of racial prejudice, the doctrine of white supremacy.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I speak to you only as an American who happens to be an American Negro and one who is proud of that heritage. We ask for nothing special. We ask only that we be permitted to compete on an even basis, and if we are not worthy, then the competition shall, per se, eliminate us.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
It would make everything I worked for meaningless if baseball is integrated but political parties were segregated.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
If I had been white with the things I did, they never would have allowed me to get out of baseball.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I want everybody to understand that I am an American Negro first before I am a member of any political party.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
In all my years of baseball, I have always expected to be traded. I never liked the idea.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
During my life, I have had a few nightmares which happened to me while I was wide awake. One of them was the National Republican Convention in San Francisco, which produced the greatest disaster the Republican Party has ever known - Nominee Barry Goldwater.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I think if we go back and check our record, the Negro has proven beyond a doubt that we have been more than patient in seeking our rights as American citizens.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
Blacks have had to learn to protect themselves by being cynical but not cynical enough to slam the door on potential opportunities. We go through life walking a tightrope to prevent too much disillusionment.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
When I look back at what I had to go through in black baseball, I can only marvel at the many black players who stuck it out for years in the Jim Crow leagues because they had nowhere else to go.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I have always been grateful to Colonel Longley. He proved to me that when people in authority take a stand, good can come out of it.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I cannot possibly believe that I have it made while so many black brothers and sisters are hungry, inadequately housed, insufficiently clothed, denied their dignity as they live in slums or barely exist on welfare.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
The old Dodgers were something special, but of my teammates overall, there was nobody like Pee Wee Reese for me.
- Jackie Robinson
Image of Jackie Robinson
I had to fight hard against loneliness, abuse, and the knowledge that any mistakes I made would be magnified because I was the only black man out there... I never cared about acceptance as much as I cared about respect.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Respect
Image of Jackie Robinson
A life isn't significant except for its impact on others' lives.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Success
Image of Jackie Robinson
I am not concerned with being liked or disliked. I am concerned with being respected
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jackie Robinson
I don’t think it matters what I believe, only what I do.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Believe
Image of Jackie Robinson
If I had to choose between baseball’s Hall of Fame and first class citizenship for all of my people. I would say first-class citizenship.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Baseball
Image of Jackie Robinson
I do not believe that every person, in every walk of life, can succeed in spite of any handicap. That would be perfection. But I do believe that what I was able to attain came to be because we put behind us (no matter how slowly) the dogmas of the past: to discover the truth of today; and perhaps the greatness of tomorrow.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Success
Image of Jackie Robinson
Life is not a spectator sport.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Sports
Image of Jackie Robinson
Relationships may change throughout the gift of time, memories stay the same forever in my mind.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Friendship
Image of Jackie Robinson
I never cared about acceptance as much as I cared about respect.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jackie Robinson
I know that I am a black man in a white world. . . I know that I never had it made.
- Jackie Robinson
Collection: Men