J.K. Simmons

Image of J. K. Simmons
The best complement I ever got from the public or producers or directors is that I just totally blend in and become the character and they don't notice me and that the play happens or the movie happens or the TV show happens.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
There's a kind of numbness, a sameness, a lack of motivation in 'good job' culture.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I was in New York. I had been doing theater for many years, and then I got hired to a little part - they weren't calling it an extra, but I didn't have lines. It was a 'featured' part.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I was studying music in college. I was singing, I was doing operas and Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, and then I was offered a job as the music director of the Bigfork Summer Playhouse, in Bigfork, Montana.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
When I got out of college, I moved to Seattle because it was the nearest big city and still didn't know if I wanted to be a composer, conductor, singer, actor. I just got day jobs and auditioned and took what came, and the theater doors were the ones opening the most.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Fortunately, for the first 20 years in my career, I didn't have any other responsibilities outside of myself. I didn't have a wife and kids, so I could afford to sort of barely scrape by, to do theater.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Being evil is easy.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I am who I am. I have a low voice, and I look like somebody's dad or boss or a police chief, and those roles come my way.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I would like to find, or I would like a part to come to me that is like the part that Dennis Franz was fortunate to be able to play on 'NYPD Blue,' a sort of similar-looking actor to me, a generic, bald white guy who you would often think of as playing the authority figure. But he was the disgruntled middle-man. That would be a fun character.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
If the awards buzz is happening, and it's coming from critics and people in the business and all of that, that's only more good news.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I do think you need to understand a character's motivation and perspective.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Whether you need to like a character, I don't think that's necessary in order to portray him.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I had many, many mentors that I worked with. Music teachers, choir directors, directors in summer stock or in regional theater. You know, people I was able to work with repeatedly and learn from who were really sort of appropriate people for me to work with at a given time in my development as an actor.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Seriously, who doesn't want to slap a 27-year-old movie star?
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
On 'Oz' one day, I got a chunk of a camera embedded in my head, and I was passed out on the floor geysering blood while the set medic stood over me, freaking out. No help whatsoever. I ended up going to the ER and getting nine stitches in my head - real Frankenstein stitches.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
If I was doing a musical, I would never listen to the cast album, because I wanted to do my version of something.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
My understanding, from what I've learned so far about Commissioner Gordon, is that he's the older guy with the mustache who relates with our hero in a certain way.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Sometimes I read a really good script, and I just know that it's not a good fit.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I'm just first of all looking for a part that's well written and speaks to me.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Everybody does their homework, and we all come together and just knock it out. There are adjustments to make, and if you have actors who are collaborators and who really know how to listen and be in the scene together, than it works out beautifully.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I just saw 'Men, Women & Children' last night, and it's a devastating movie in a lot of ways, but it's so well done, so well acted.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Screaming is hard after a while.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I'm just glad to be able to work.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I have a degree in music, yeah, from the University of Montana. I studied voice and composition and conducting and all that.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I read a lot of scripts, and there's a lot of good writing and a lot of OK writing and a lot of crappy writing. And even with the really good writing, it doesn't necessarily speak to me.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
When I go back to New York all these years later, I'll walk down Seventh Avenue, and I'll hear, 'Yo, Oz!' In New York, I get recognized for that all the time.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Almost every character I've ever played - and sometimes this is very conscious and sometimes it's not - I need to find what they love.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
After the second and final time that I got hugely fat in my life and when I lost that weight six or seven years ago, I pretty much decided that I was going to stay in decent shape for the rest of my life.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I've gone back and forth with fine-tuning the kind of conditioning I'm doing. Sometimes trying to shed weight and getting leaner and sometimes trying to pack on a little more muscle.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I never had intention of coming to New York or L.A. and actually doing more than scraping by - you know, doing plays. And as my career sort of progressed of its own volition, I did come to New York.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I did Broadway shows. And I started realizing that this is actually how I'm going to make my living. So maybe I should try to do television and film and make a better living and get an occasional residual check so I can pay a mortgage someday.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I actually was a musician in college, a composer and singer, and really intended to be the second coming of Leonard Bernstein when I got out.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I've been so blessed to have the opportunities that I've had.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
We all want to not repeat ourselves constantly, and explore the limits of our capabilities.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
Generally, if I read something that I think is really good and that I feel a connection with and is right for me, I see and hear who the guy is, as manifested by me.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
The retired L.A.P.D. motor cops who work set security now, all wear the same uniform, they're great guys with great stories, and they're great at their job, providing security on sets.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
My overall quest is always to do something that's somehow different from whatever it is that I just got done doing. If that can include occasionally playing an older guy who has a romantic side and a romantic relationship, than that's a real treat.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
There's another film - a little Greek movie - that hopefully is going to get some distribution here in the U.S., called 'Worlds Apart,' where I also play a 60-year-old guy who looks a lot like J.K. Simmons, who has a romantic relationship with an appropriate woman.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J. K. Simmons
I completely agree with feeling the need for or the benefits of being pushed and of being directed on a project and collaborating.
- J. K. Simmons
Image of J.K. Simmons
There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Jobs
Image of J.K. Simmons
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your D*** lemons, what the h*** am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Men
Image of J.K. Simmons
And if I may, call your mom, everybody. I've told this [to], like, a billion people, or so. Call your mom, call your dad. If you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call 'em. Don't text. Don't email. Call them on the phone. Tell 'em you love 'em, and thank them, and listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you. Thank you. Thank you, Mom and Dad.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Mom
Image of J.K. Simmons
Science isn't about WHY, it's about WHY NOT!
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Why Not
Image of J.K. Simmons
If you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive, call them. Don't text, don't email. Call them. Listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Two
Image of J.K. Simmons
The best compliment I ever got from the public or producers or directors is that I just totally blend in and become the character and they don't notice me and that the play happens or the movie happens or the TV show happens.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Character
Image of J.K. Simmons
Collaborative is my favorite word in moviemaking.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Favorite Words
Image of J.K. Simmons
I literally went in and auditioned and got the part of "sounds like J.K. Simmons." I've heard people say a "J.K. Simmons type, but younger" or "J.K. Simmons, but with hair" or "J.K. Simmons but Mongolian." It's often "J.K. Simmons but...". You think you're on top of the world and they're asking for a "J.K. Simmons-type" and then, before you know it, they're asking for a "J.K. Simmons only younger." The next step is for a "J.K. Simmons-type...Oh, you mean he's still alive?"
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Mean
Image of J.K. Simmons
When I got out of college I moved to Seattle because it was the nearest big city and still didn't know if I wanted to be a composer, conductor, singer, actor. I just got day jobs and auditioned and took what came and the theater doors were the ones opening the most.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: College
Image of J.K. Simmons
In my work I try to get things right, to do it well, and if there are specific skills involved - like in a case conducting or playing the piano, or in this film I have coming up where I play a character who is German - I'm very meticulous about learning accents and dialects and those kinds of things. That's probably the closest I come to being a perfectionist.
- J.K. Simmons
Collection: Character