Iris Apfel

Image of Iris Apfel
I live in the Dark Ages, the 17th century. Actually, I would have loved to be in Paris in the early 20th century when the Ballets Russes were there and Chanel was designing.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I've always loved to help people, young people in particular.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Nobody is original anymore. Nobody has any original style.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
The fashion industry has done itself in by neglecting the 60- to 80-year-old market. They have the time and the economic resources. They want to go shopping.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I was always known in my industry, and I always enjoyed a modicum of popularity.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I wasn't interested at all in doing a documentary. I was not a public figure.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I don't look at Instagram. I don't have much to do with social media.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
When you don't dress like everybody else, you don't have to think like everybody else.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
If you don't learn constantly, you don't grow, and you will wither. Too many people wither on the vine. Sure, it gets a little harder as you get older, but new experiences and new challenges keep it fresh.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Colour can raise the dead.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Aging gracefully is about no heavy makeup, and not too much powder because it gets into the wrinkles, and, you know, to not get turtle eyelids and to not try to look young.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I never buy what someone says is 'in' or a 'must-have.' I buy what makes me happy.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Self-exploration is very painful, but unless you do that, you will never know who you are and who you want to be.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I'm from New York. My grandparents were settlers of Long Island City. When they came here, there was no bridge, and they had to hire a boat across the river. They had a farm, and my grandmother had to go once a week to Manhattan to buy provisions - very primitive.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
My look is either very baroque or very Zen - everything in between makes me itch.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Understated jewellery is not for me. It's too itsy-bitsy. My husband is lucky, as I've never had a yen for real jewels.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
You can be born with the talent to be an opera star, but you've got to work and practice it.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Being an individual takes effort. Most people are pretty lazy. And that's OK! I mean, there are more important things than fashion. If it's going to stress you out to have a sense of style, don't do it. The important thing is to be comfortable so you can get on with your life.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I have ideas that I think might be amusing, and I try them, and if they look right, I carry them out, and if they don't, I throw them out and try something else. I don't agonize about it.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I've never seen anything like the way some young people behave. They go out on a date, and they're sitting opposite each other at a table, and they're not looking at each other, and they text each other as though they're deaf-mutes. It's insane.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Coco Chanel once said that what makes a woman look old is trying desperately to look young. Why should one be ashamed to be 84? Why do you have to say that you're 52? Nobody's going to believe you anyway, so why be such a fool? It's nice that you got to be so old. It's a blessing.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
It's better to be happy than to be well-dressed.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I'm not a pretty person. I don't like pretty, so I don't feel badly. Most of the world is not with me, but I don't care.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
You can't try to be somebody you're not; that's not style. If someone says, 'Buy this - you'll be stylish,' you won't be stylish because you won't be you. You have to learn who you are first, and that's painful.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
There's different shopping in Paris than there is at a bazaar in Istanbul, but they're all wonderful.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Nothing I ever did I expected to do. It just kind of happened.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I just roll with the punches.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I always tell people I'm very large in Uzbekistan.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I get very involved with my things, and they are not standard equipment.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I didn't have children, but I never wanted children.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I don't expect to find inspiration. It just sort of comes. Sometimes you step on a bug and you get inspired.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I think people try so hard to learn everything that they miss all the wonderful essentials. There is so much mystery in life that you should leave a mystery.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I still have the dress I wore on the first date with my husband, which was more than 66 years ago. I still have it, and it still fits.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I call myself a geriatric starlet.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I think people should express themselves more and not just buy what's in. While it can be very beautiful, and it may suit you perfectly, I'm sure it doesn't suit everyone in the same way. I like people who express themselves and are more individualistic.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
Fashion has this youth mania. But 70-year-old ladies don't have 18-year-old bodies, and 18-year-olds don't have a 70-year-old's dollars.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I had a very brilliant father who was not only intellectual, but was street-smart and very curious to boot. The day I found out that he didn't know everything, I grew up. It was a shock. I just thought that the man was the end-all of everything, and he knew the answer to everything. Then I found out I'd have to find out my own answers.
- Iris Apfel
Image of Iris Apfel
I never felt pretty. I don't feel pretty now. I'm not a pretty person. I don't like pretty. So I don't feel badly. And I think it worked out well, because I found that all the girls I know who got by on their looks, as time went on and they faded, they were nothing. And they were very disappointed. When you're somebody like myself, in order to get around and be attractive, you have to develop something, you have to learn something, you have to do something. So you become a bit more interesting.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Girl
Image of Iris Apfel
Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There’s no how-to road map to style. It’s about self-expression and, above all, attitude.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Fashion
Image of Iris Apfel
I say, dress to please yourself. Listen to your inner muse and take a chance. Wear something that says 'Here I am!' today.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Confidence
Image of Iris Apfel
If you don’t learn constantly, you don’t grow and you will wither. Too many people wither on the vine. Sure, it gets a little harder as you get older, but new experiences and new challenges keep it fresh.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Iris Apfel
More is more and less is a bore.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Fashion
Image of Iris Apfel
I don't have any rules, because I would only be breaking them, so it's a waste of time
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Waste
Image of Iris Apfel
You're not pretty, and you'll never be pretty. But, it doesn't matter. You have something much better. You have style.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Style
Image of Iris Apfel
If you're lucky enough to get old, I think you should celebrate it.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Positive
Image of Iris Apfel
You have to be interested. If you're not interested, you can't be interesting.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Interesting
Image of Iris Apfel
You only have one trip. You might as well enjoy it.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Might
Image of Iris Apfel
I don’t care what people think…I learned a long time ago…I was 19 and had a very traumatic experience….and I learned that I have to go to bed with myself at night and that I have to please myself…and as long as I don’t go out of my way to offend anybody that I love, upset my mother or my husband…I’ll do my own thing. And if the public doesn’t like it, it’s their problem, not mine.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Mother
Image of Iris Apfel
I’m a hopeless romantic. I buy things because I fall in love with them. I never buy anything just because it’s valuable. My husband used to say I look at a piece of fabric and listen to the threads. It tells me a story. It sings me a song. I have to get a physical reaction when I buy something. A coup de foudre – a bolt of lightning. It’s fun to get knocked out that way!
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Song