Ian Harding

Image of Ian Harding
My social media world is detached from my friendship world. I'll have friends in real life that I don't follow on social media, because I don't really look at social media as the way of connecting to friends. For me, social media is like a business tool.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Friendship
Image of Ian Harding
If someone was like, 'Describe yourself in one word,' I would never say, 'Handsome.'
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
It's good to be a martyr for your art, but it's just such a waste of time.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My mom is a pretty private person, and if I was making Snapchat videos of her all the time, I think, A, she would hit me, and B, she just wouldn't appreciate it. So I don't do it a ton.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
It was awkward because the high school that I went to, my aunt taught at, it was this private boy's school in D.C. There were one or two teachers that I had the hots for, but never fully expressed my feelings because my aunt was always watching.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My mom is in the navy and my dad works for the army, but I never called them 'sir' or 'ma'am' or anything like that, and we never really moved around a lot because both my parents were stationed in D.C.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I always was getting into trouble some way, because I was really good at lying when I was a kid.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I get recognized in the street really frequently, which is really shocking. I'm excruciatingly wary of any female under the age of 19. Even when some of them come up to me, they're usually very cordial, nice and polite.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
Any skills that I have, I couldn't really make money with them. I would like to think that maybe I would be doing something in psychology or something of that nature because I love that vein of medicine - the getting down and getting nitty-gritty.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
If there were teenagers who had a video camera and saw what I did on a daily basis, they'd be bored out of their mind.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
English was great because I could just write my opinion, and that was good enough. I was terrible in Math, even though I had amazing Math teachers. My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
'Pretty Little Liars' is very all-consuming of my time, but I guess it's a great problem to have... there have been other things that have come that were on the table and then were not.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I'm all about being self-deprecating because I think it's hilarious.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My life is one that I've aimed for - I've always wanted to be an actor who worked in film and television and was able to provide for himself and his family.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I've been in different countries, and a girl will come up and say, 'I love you. We are going to get married someday!' And I'm like, 'You're 11!'
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My dad grew up in southern California and was a raging liberal.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
It's so ridiculous how you just get a call one day and go on an audition that can easily change your life for the next several years.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
It's really good to be a working actor.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I changed my thinking on the whole subject of what it is to be attractive. It's fine, but I know that ultimately what I am and who I am is not cheekbones and a jawline, if you catch my drift. I ultimately know that who I am is not directly proportional to abs or straight teeth.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I'd always dreamed of being an actor and going out to Los Angeles or New York and being paid to do what you love, and then I went and did that, and it wasn't what I expected.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
A little while ago, I had this realization that so much of my happiness depended on what my career was looking like at that time, and that's, like, death of happiness right there.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I love voiceovers. You get to show up for half a day and pay your mortgage. How great is that?
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I understand what I look like, and I understand the strengths I have, which is basic, generic white guy.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
There's so much that I want to see and do, and being megafamous is not on my to-do list.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
My plan is to ride out my 30s with 'handsome man' parts, hit 40 and take some time off to have some kids, and then come back as Paul Giamatti.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
You have tours that go to certain parts of the world to see a specific type of bird, and then you come back to Hollywood, and you see tour vans that go around in hopes of catching a glimpse of Halle Berry going out to get a newspaper.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
The great thing about being on a television show is that it usually provides you with fairly steady income so you can go and do things.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
As a child, my sister and I had very fruitful imaginations, and I would think that I wanted to be one profession or I'd want to have this experience in life. I realized it's not because I actually wanted to be a Coast Guard helicopter rescue pilot or something like that - I just enjoyed the idea of playing it.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I think Ralph Fiennes has had a really wonderful career; there's something sort of classic about him. He does a bunch of different projects, but he approaches the work from a very sort of artful way.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
If I want to communicate with fans, usually I go on Twitter.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
The upside of social media is you can craft how you want people to see you in some way.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
If astrology is real, I guess I'm a pretty quintessential Virgo.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
When I was a kid, I was very lucky that I grew up in suburban Virginia, which, at the time, felt like a grey area between rural and suburban, so there were a lot of forests and parks.
- Ian Harding
Image of Ian Harding
I'm all about being self-deprecating because I think it's hilarious. Any actor who takes themselves seriously just needs to stop being such a piece of s**t.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ian Harding
Any skills that I have, I couldn't really make money with them. I would like to think that maybe I would be doing something in psychology or something of that nature because I love that vein of medicine - the getting down and getting nitty - gritty.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ian Harding
My life is one that I've aimed for - I've always wanted to be an actor who worked in film and television and was able to provide for himself and his family. That was always a goal of mine. Now that I'm doing that, I think we have this idea, "Once that's achieved, all complaints will leave and I will be happy and be filled!" And I didn't have that.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ian Harding
I always was getting into trouble some way, because I was really good at lying when I was a kid. If I left my jacket at school for the third time and my mom was really angry at me, I would make up a lie and I would just really believe in it. This sounds a little bit sociopathic.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Mom
Image of Ian Harding
In all honesty, I have a few irons in the fire in the TV world, but mostly, I'm working on having the most amazing life I can possibly have, and hopefully my career will come along for the ride.
- Ian Harding
Collection: Honesty