Hilari Bell

Image of Hilari Bell
It isn't a matter of how long, or even how much you know. It's a way of looking at things, how much you see and how you think. I suppose it's, well, perspective. . . When you start seein' five sides to a four-sided object, that's when you get the gray robe.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hilari Bell
Today, salute, mile, serve, deep. And I am never doing that again.-Kavi
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Today
Image of Hilari Bell
Coordinating the retreat was important too, so important that Jiaan had assigned Aram as Fasal's assistant, to be sure he didn't overlook anything important. Like the fact that they were supposed to retreat.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Important
Image of Hilari Bell
So truth created the ultimate lie. Was this what the world was like for wizards? This thorny, gray tangle where right and wrong were so mixed there was no telling them apart?
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Lying
Image of Hilari Bell
I never thought honor would feel like betrayal.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Hilari Bell
Fisk would take care of it.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Care
Image of Hilari Bell
Man must look after man sicne no god watches out for us.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Men
Image of Hilari Bell
Did the priest you mentioned tell you about them? Or did he send you out to blunder along on your own?They're an odd lot. Half of them are soldiers, or priests in disgui- Ah.Is your priest with them?" "No!" He snapped. Ping. He jumped. He'd forgotten the bell. "I mean, I don't know". Ping. "There is no particular priest."Ping. He bit his lip and fell silent.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Mean
Image of Hilari Bell
The lingering laughter fled from his eyes as he realized that he'd given himself away. "Where's Fiddle now?" "Safe and cared for. Safer than you'll be if you don't answer my questions." Ping. He managed not to laugh, but it looked like a hard fight. "Dung," Makenna muttered. the knight's expression changed to startled disapproval. A prig, as he? Maybe she could use that. "I said you should let me handle this," Cogswhallop told her. "I'd have meant it.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Laughter
Image of Hilari Bell
Cogswhallop glanced skeptically at the complex runes. "Are you sure this'll work, gen'ral?" "Of course I'm sure-" Ping. The silvery note echoed in the cramped room. Makenna felt her face turn scarlet.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Rooms
Image of Hilari Bell
As if she had summoned them, a flurry of stones flew out of the darkness, striking his mail, pinging off his helm. One hit his unprotected leg and he yelped and clutched it. That was a mistake. The second barrage was entirely directed at his legs.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Mistake
Image of Hilari Bell
I do give them to you," he announced. "Of my free will. Because this is my sword." He laid a hand on Arisa's shoulder. "And Weasle is my shield. What you hold are only pieces of iron.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Hands
Image of Hilari Bell
In his opinion, working was vastly overrated. Particularly as a way to build character, for everyone who engaged in it was far too snappish and fussy, and seemed to have no manners at all.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Attitude
Image of Hilari Bell
Fasal liked to fight; Jiaan was good at planning. Together, Jiaan thought sourly, they almost made a whole officer. And if you added Jiaan's eighteen years to Fasal's seventeen, you had someone old enough to command an army as well.
- Hilari Bell
Collection: Fighting