Herbie Mann

Image of Herbie Mann
I always say, if you keep your head in the sand, you don't know where the kick's coming from.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
I loved the Brazilian music I played. But this is finally me. For the first time I think it's really me.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
For me Brazilian music is the perfect mix of melody and rhythm. It just bubbles rhythmically. If I had to pick just one music style to play if would be Brazilian.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
To most jazz critics I was basically Kenny G.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
I had sat in one day in Central Park with Bonnie and Delaney, and Duane was playing with them, so I asked if he wanted to work on an album. You never had to say to him how to play the guitar.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
You don't have to live the blues to play the blues.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
But when I first got cancer, after the initial shock and the fear and paranoia and crying and all that goes with cancer - that word means to most people ultimate death - I decided to see what I could do to take that negative and use it in a positive way.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
By the time I'm 90, I hope to have it together.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
I recently formed a foundation to raise awareness for prostate cancer. I feel it's very necessary that men be more aware about prostate cancer and their health in general.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
I was raised in Brooklyn, and I lived there for 59 years.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
If you want to play somebody's music, you'd better go into his house.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
Music allows the great opportunity to play with people who turned you on and you love.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
My ego is controlled enough that I don't have to be the focus.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
My father's father came from Russia; my mother came from Romania.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
My youngest son, who is now the drummer in my band, lives in Brooklyn. My oldest son is about to move out to California, and my daughters are both out of town.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
One of the advantages of not having a record contract is that you can make your own mistakes, you don't need somebody else to organize them for you.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
The music we're playing now is based on my heritage, which is Russian, Romanian and Hungarian.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
The reality is that what you find out is that your head is the medicine. If your head is not in the right place and you don't think positively, all the medicine technology in the world is not going to work.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
Think about it: Look at the strides of awareness and treatment and tests that women have had with breast cancer, that the gay community has had with AIDS, because they're active and they talk about it.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
What I try to do is produce an atmosphere where musicians want to invest in what they do and give to the recording. I hire those musicians who I know will play something creative and interesting.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
When you get cancer, it's like really time to look at what your life was and is, and I decided that everything I've done so far is not as important as what I'm going to do now.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
Why do you have to retire at 65? Why can't you start at 70? You know, like wine. Why can't music be that way? My new band, we're playing stuff that's never been done before.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
You have to be concerned with yourself because if you're not on it all the time, nobody else is going to be.
- Herbie Mann
Image of Herbie Mann
If you're in jazz and more than ten people like you, you're labeled commercial.
- Herbie Mann
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Herbie Mann
Music allows the great opportunity to play with people you love.
- Herbie Mann
Collection: Music
Image of Herbie Mann
As much as I think John Coltrane belongs on the list, I think without Coleman Hawkins and Lester Young, both of whom defined improvising on the tenor sax, there would not have been the evolution of the craft by John Coltrane.
- Herbie Mann
Collection: Thinking
Image of Herbie Mann
Let's say you have some chicken stock and you're making soup, and out of everything you can taste, some of the things you put in and some of the things you don't. So you start out with an African spice then you hear some Brazilian music, so then it changes. Then you hear Jamaican and it changes again. And the result depends on how much of each spice you put into it. Now, I've been putting in spices since I started playing professionally in 1945.
- Herbie Mann
Collection: Spices
Image of Herbie Mann
If you keep your head in the sand, you don't know where the kick's coming from.
- Herbie Mann
Collection: Music