Herbert Lockyer

Image of Herbert Lockyer
All love is of God, the Apostle John reminds us, and because love cannot be buried in a coffin, the beautiful but broken relationships of Earth are resumed in the Father's home above where, as members of the same family, we dwell together in perfect harmony.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Herbert Lockyer
The mightiest prayers are often those drenched with the Word of God.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Prayer
Image of Herbert Lockyer
Once you deliberately exterminate from your life those things that quench the fire of the Spirit, then He will reveal Himself again and the old flame and passion will be yours.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Passion
Image of Herbert Lockyer
If you have a dear one in Heaven your heart yearns to see, do not despair, for you will meet again. The voice you loved to hear, you will hear again. The identity of the one you were near to on Earth remains the same, and instant recognition will be yours as you meet, never to part again. Your beloved one is only lost awhile.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Heart
Image of Herbert Lockyer
How those holy men of old could storm the battlements above! When there was no way to look but up, they lifted up their eyes to God who made the hills, with unshakable confidence.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Eye
Image of Herbert Lockyer
Prayer, to the patriarchs and prophets, was more than the recital of well-known and well-worn phrases-it was the outpouring of the heart.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Prayer
Image of Herbert Lockyer
We must get away from the traditional idea that the saints in Heaven have one eternal holiday; that they have nothing to occupy them save playing a harp and incessantly singing.
- Herbert Lockyer
Collection: Holiday