Henry F. Ashurst

Image of Henry F. Ashurst
No man is fit to be a Senator... unless he is willing to surrender his political life for great principle.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
When I have to choose between voting for the people or the special interests, I always stick with the special interests. They remember. The people forget.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
Silence is the best substitute for brains ever invented.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Silence
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
Politics is like roller skating. You go partly where you want to go, and partly where the damn things take you.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Skating
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
It is still an open question as to whether mankind or insects shall ultimately inherit the earth. It is my opinion that mankind ... has about a 50-50 chance...
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Earth
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
A speech is entertaining only when serenely detached from all information.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Speech
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
I could throw 56-pound words clear across the Grand Canyon. As a matter of course, I went into politics.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Matter
Image of Henry F. Ashurst
No man is fit to be a Senator...unless he is willing to surrender his political life for great principle.
- Henry F. Ashurst
Collection: Men