Helen Foster Snow

Image of Helen Foster Snow
... one can judge a civilization by the way its treats its women.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: Women
Image of Helen Foster Snow
history, like nature, has its own economy, its own balancing of forces in the final accounting. Nothing can be lost, except to awareness.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: History
Image of Helen Foster Snow
Freedom to think requires not only freedom of expression but also freedom from the threat of orthodoxy and being outcast and ostracized.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: Freedom
Image of Helen Foster Snow
Revolution devours its own parents as well as its own children.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: Children
Image of Helen Foster Snow
To be a Marxist does not mean that one becomes a Communist party member. There are as many varieties of Marxists as there are of Protestants.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: Party
Image of Helen Foster Snow
The essence of all religion is to be willing to risk your life for a belief - not for survival.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: Essence
Image of Helen Foster Snow
The war between the artist and writer and government or orthodoxy is one of the tragedies of humankind. One chief enemy is stupidity and failure to understand anything about the creative mind. For a bureaucratic politician to presume to tell any artist or writer how to get his mind functioning is the ultimate in asininity.
- Helen Foster Snow
Collection: War