Heinz Kohut

Image of Heinz Kohut
If there is one lesson that I have learned during my life as an analyst, it is the lesson that what my patients tell me is likely to be true - that many times when I believed that I was right and my patients were wrong, it turned out, though often only after a prolonged search, that my rightness was superficial whereas their rightness was profound.
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Truth
Image of Heinz Kohut
Empathy is the capacity to think and feel oneself into the inner life of another person.
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Thinking
Image of Heinz Kohut
...man can no more survive psychologically in a psychological milieu that does not respond empathetically to him, than he can survive physically in an atmosphere that contains no oxygen.
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Heinz Kohut
The empathic understanding of the experience of other human beings is as basic an endowment of man as his vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Men
Image of Heinz Kohut
The musician of disordered sound, the poet of decomposed language, the painter and sculptor of the fragmented visual and tactile world: they all portray the break up of the self and, through the rearrangement and reassemble of the fragments, try to create new structures that possess wholeness, perfection, new meaning.
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Self
Image of Heinz Kohut
The mark of a good marriage is when only one of you goes crazy at a time!
- Heinz Kohut
Collection: Crazy